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When it comes to baby shower etiquette, these days just about anything goes. However, there are still a few basic rules that should never be ignored. Although the baby shower party themselves may be unconventional, the rules of etiquette still dictate just about everything - from who receives unique baby shower invitations to who picks up the tab for the event.

Who Can be Invited

Almost anyone can be invited to a baby shower, but the host should consult with the guest of honor - or at least someone close to her - to avoid embarrassment when sending out the printable shower baby invitation.

Even though Emily Post, the original Miss Manners, had her own set of etiquette rules for who should host the shower, modern showers can be thrown by just about anyone - from the mother of the mom-to-be to the expectant mom's coworkers. The mother-to-be herself can also host the gathering, though this is frowned upon. Tradition, however, dictates that a non-relative of the mom-to-be host the shower.

It is acceptable to include on the cheap baby invitations where the mom-to-be is registered. Even so, if the mother is hosting the party for herself, this might be considered tacky. Depending on how traditional the host is, registry information may be left off of the baby shower invitation and can be given when guests call to RSVP.

Who Can Host the Baby Shower

No matter who hosts the event, it's good manners - and good sense - to send the custom shower invitations out promptly enough to give the guests several weeks' notice. Guests may need enough time upon receiving those unique baby shower invitations to make travel arrangements or pick out the perfect gift.

Proper etiquette states that the shower should be held a few weeks or a month away from the due date. The host of the shower should take care to familiarize herself or himself with the cultural background of the expectant mom. Some families believe it is bad luck to hold a shower before the baby is born and the host is better off knowing beforehand to avoid offending anyone.

Who Pays for the Baby Showers

Determining who pays for the party can make even the savviest hostess sweat. The host of the gathering typically picks up the tab. From the shower invitations baby to the favors to the food, the host is responsible, which makes having more than one host appealing to some. Bigger showers are typically reserved for first time moms, so etiquette dictates that sprinkles, second time showers, be smaller in scale. Shower invitations should be limited to a small group of the mom-to-be's closest friends and family members.

Regardless of how traditional or non-traditional the shower is, some etiquette rules should not be ignored. Baby Thank You Cards should be sent to everyone who attended the shower. The host should provide the addresses of the people included on the shower baby invitation list to the guest of honor. Hosts should also keep track of the gifts given so that the thank you notes can be personalized and heartfelt.

By following a few simple rules, from baby shower invitation etiquette to thank you note etiquette, a shower can be a classy and fun event.

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One of the most important starting chapters in a person's life is marriage. When it comes to individuality and traditional values, Muslim weddings are special in their own ways. A muslin marriage is generally known as Nikah. It is a social agreement that results in an enduring bond between two persons. A Muslim wedding means celebration, joy and holy bonding. Various preparations have to be made before the auspicious day and one integral part of it is selecting Muslim wedding cards. Recently, the activist couple Carl Pope (former director of Sierra Club) and Shanaz Taplin Chinoy (co-founder and chairperson of the Muslim Women's Fund), who met first time in the year 1977, got married. Both in their 60s, had a grand wedding celebration. The wedding brought together friends and supporters from as far back as Shahnaz's childhood.

A Muslim Wedding incorporates ardent religious ceremonies, as well as social celebrations on a grand scale. Muslim society observes the wedding ceremony as a fundamental, once in a life time activity that deserves royal celebration. Muslim wedding invitations are given for two special events namely, Nikah and Valima. While the cards for the former occasion are ordered by the bride's family, the latter are done by that of the groom's. The Muslim wedding cards are also popularly known as "shaadi cards". Like all Indian wedding cards, these range from simple to vibrant and sophisticated ones. Nowadays, the modern designers make unique wedding cards by blending all the current trends and styles with the traditional ones. The cards with the distinctive, unique and well coordinated designs surely add to the warmth of the ceremonies. Some main characteristics of the Muslim wedding cards are as follows-

  • Contemporary concepts are generally used to create these cards. Most of the time, exclusive patters, grains and textures are used.

  • The designs are mostly conventional ones. Most contain Islamic symbols.

  • As white color is believed to be an auspicious one, most cards come with a white background.

  • Most cards are handmade using rich textured papers. Sometimes these are decorated with jewels.

  • Common styles in Muslim invitation cards are Farman type, traditional scrolls or the roll open ones.

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If you are thinking of having a traditional Scottish wedding you will want everything that goes with it. People tend to associate Scottish weddings with historic castles, beautiful scenery, country dancing and some scotch whisky. But as well as getting your bagpipes and Scottish thistles in place you will also want to get some Scottish Wedding Invitations so that people can idea and feel of your wedding theme before it all takes place. You may be stuck for ideas for a Scottish wedding invitation so here are some of our top ideas to give your wedding stationery that traditional Scottish flavour.

Scottish Thistle

Nothing quite bears the mark of Scotland like the Scottish thistle. So having this embellished on an invitation is the perfect to let your guests know that they are in for a traditional Scottish wedding and all the festivities that go with it. Having the thistle blend in as a background image is a good way to colour the invite without interfering with the text too much.

Tartan Wedding Card

This must be the most obvious choice for a Scottish wedding card as tartan has its roots deep within Scottish history and tradition. Having the entire card in tartan might be a bit over the top so having a tartan border around the outside may be a lot more fitting. The great thing with tartan is that there are so many different styles, colours and patterns to choose from. You can even look up your family surname and find out if you have your own family tartan that could be put on the invite to personalise things a little bit more.

Scottish Castle Wedding Invitation

If you want an invite that is unique and Scottish then having a Scottish castle on the invite is a great way to get your wedding cards to stand out. Having a landmark building such as Edinburgh Castle on your design will add a real feel of Scotland with all its heritage and history. Having an outline border of the castle on a matte card with a slight texture such as linen will look really elegant. Finding the right artwork for the castle will be a lot more effective than just sticking a photo of a castle that looks odd. You want the castle to blend in with the design and add to the Scottish effect.

Celtic Wedding Invitation

Celtic wedding invitations are great and have a really traditional feel to them for that classic look. Most good wedding retailers will offer Celtic wedding invites in a wide rane of styles and wonderful patterns.

Scottish Hillside

If you are keen hill walker and love the great outdoors then you may want to capture this into your wedding stationery design. You may some images of the hillside pub where you and your partner first met. Images from Ben Nevis are another popular choice as it has some of the best views out across Scotland and capturing this on your invite is the perfect way to add some of Scotland's beauty to your invitation.

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Nowadays the freedom of expression has taken on a meaning of itself and nothing is more evident of this truth than same sex marriages. Don't expect to flee America to escape it, for many countries have been, and are now coming out of closets. Spain is no exception. Just recently, on July 11th 2005, in the registry office of a Madrid suburb, two men made history in Spain by exchanging marriage vows. I guess, Francisco Franco is rolling over in his grave now, for every since his death Spain has allowed gay and lesbian communities to thrive all over the country. Now a law on gay marriages has been implemented allowing gays and lesbians to marry, and even adopt children, while enjoying the same rights of all human beings. This law was passed in June 2005, bringing down the full rage of the Spanish Catholic church, and even the Vatican.

However, the Spanish people paid it no mind for many of them are witnesses of the Franco fascist dictatorship rule and not allowing people to express themselves as very damn well please. So, to many open-minded Spanish people this serve as a victory over the hated Francisco Franco. They vividly remember the days in which gays were persecuted, punished and treated inhumanely for expressing themselves.

Now gay tourism has become embedded into a country that once burnt people to a stake if they were caught or reported to have a homosexual relationship. When visiting Spain, you can now find gay pamphlets, booklets and maps detailing all the cruising areas and gay-friendly bars, restaurant, saunas and nights spots. Leading the way for people to exhibit their tastes and inclinations is Madrid and Barcelona. If you happen to visit Barcelona, Casal Lambda offers a place for meetings and guidance for gays and lesbians, even counseling. And then there's Madrid, where gay and lesbian scenes are in abundance. Most of the activities take place in Chueca, the blend for all your gay enjoyment.

It is evident that gay and lesbian lifestyles have come a long way in Spain with the strong lobbying movements for same-sex marriages and for same-sex couples to have equal rights like anyone else. Since the inauguration of same-sex marriage on Sunday, July 3rd 2005 a whopping 4,500 same sex couples have tied the knot, and this was during the first year of the law. Can we imagine what the numbers are now? But don't be fooled, eloping to Spain to get married would require that at least one partner be a Spanish citizen and having been a legal resident in Spain for a minimum of two years and registered with the municipality, although two non-Spaniard people with legal citizenship in Spain can marry. Those seriously interested in getting married this way, can obtain all the information necessary to have your wedding performed by visiting AngloInfo

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As with any pack there will always be the main element and in this case the invitation itself is just that. Important details will need to include; name of couple, date, time and location of the wedding. It must include the names of the bride and groom, unless the wedding is being hosted by someone different (parents), then include their names. If the reception is at another location, then this address should be added too. The colour of the invitations should compliment the overall colour theme of the wedding, so cream or white invitations would compliment a classic looking white wedding dress. Your guests will get a good understanding and learn a lot about the theme and know what to expect, if it is extremely formal, or maybe a slightly more relaxed approach.

It's vital to include reply cards in the pack with an address to send back to. Most couples will include an RSVP date on the card to give your guests plenty of time to decide whether they will be attending or not. Either include a self addressed envelope with stamp, or another good idea to keeps costs down is to include an email address to respond to with an answer. Make sure there is enough space on the card to include; guests name, attending or not attending, number of people who are attending and maybe space for extra information.

If you're inviting people who live abroad, maybe include recommended hotels near by the venue and other travel information about the area. If the bride and groom want everyone to be staying at the same hotel, they should pre-book and include the hotel information and location within the pack. Booking multiple rooms may reward you with a better rate per night at the hotel, so be sure to include any information that your guests can take with them.

For evening guests you will need to re-word the text if the reception is at a different location to the ceremony and of course the time of arrival will be later in the day. This should include: location of venue, directions (maybe include a map) and time of arrival. You can use the same invitations as with your main guests, however a simplified version could be used to save on costs. Again, this will be the first contact between the bride and groom and evening guests, so your theme and standards will be expressed.

To make the wedding invitation packs extra special and perhaps more elegant add traditional tissue paper around the main invite and tie up with nice ribbon. If you're creative I'm sure you can think of other materials to use.

Whether you're buying or making the wedding invitations it should be good fun and put you in the mind set and reality will kick in! It does make the experience exciting!

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Can a wedding invitation really manage to be tacky? Sadly, it can! There are many well-meaning couples out there who in trying to be romantic or clever end up designing an invitation that turns the stomach of the guests who receive it. These are the things that make wedding invitations tacky, and how to avoid making the same mistakes.

First of all, it is important to understand that whether or not an invitation is tacky or not has nothing to do with what it cost. An inexpensive invitation can be elegant, and a pricey one can be done in exceedingly poor taste. It is what is written on the invitation and how it is made that counts. Original wording and "clever" images tend to be among the top offenders. Compare these two types of wedding invitation wording: "Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hall request the pleasure of your company at the wedding of their daughter Sarah Ann, etc., etc." is as classic and timeless as a pair of pearl earrings; in other words, it is tasteful, and like pearl earrings, fits any style of occasion.

Then there is this: "On this day we will marry the one we laugh with, live for, dream with, love. Come and witness Sarah and John as they start their journey together with one heart, etc." Blech! Too much information, and too personal. It is also redundant; if you are getting married, people assume that you are in love, it is not necessary to spell it out in syrupy prose. You may think it is romantic, but most of the guests will find the wording too saccharine. All that really should be written on a wedding invitation is the basics of who, what, where, and when. The "why" part is self-explanatory.

Being too cutesy is another common thing that makes a wedding invitation tacky. Just because they offer "Precious Moments" wedding stationery does not mean that you should choose it, even if you really love large eyed child figures dressed as a bride and groom. Another common trap is getting carried away with overly cute photos of the bride and groom. While personalizing your wedding stationery with your photo can be a nice detail, they should not be captioned like they were part of a scrapbook. Especially not if the captions are puns playing on the themes of love. Save that for your actual wedding scrapbook, and include a single elegant photo on the invitation.

Tackiness can also come in the form of poor manners. A perfectly lovely engraved wedding invitation can become tacky with the inclusion of bridal registry information on it. Using your wedding invitation to snub a family member for not giving you enough money is also always in poor taste. When in doubt, the best thing that a couple can do is to stick with a classic invitation and simple wording. You can never go wrong with that, and no one will find you tacky!

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If you are looking to have a classy, yet inexpensive wedding, holding a cocktail reception may be an alternative you may want to consider. When planning a wedding, you will need to allocate at least fifty percent of your budget to your wedding reception. If you are looking for a trendy reception idea while cutting your expenses down, a cocktail reception will cost much less than a traditional wedding reception.

Cocktail receptions are much cheaper than traditional wedding receptions for several reasons: less food, smaller location, few (if any) tables and chairs which will cut down on your rental and floral expenses. There will be no large tables to dress up with centerpieces, no linen charges, no full settings of china to rent. You won't have to worry about assigning seating or purchasing place cards and table decorations. You will not have to hire an expensive break down crew for after the reception clean up.

Cocktail receptions also create a much more social atmosphere versus a traditional wedding reception. With few tables and chairs, the cocktail reception encourages mingling and movement around the location. This party type of format may not be conducive for traditional wedding reception activities, unless the location has enough room to "clear" the center for first dances and bouquet tossing.

If you decide to have a cocktail wedding reception, remember timing and location is everything. A cocktail reception is best held between the hours of 5 pm to 7 pm, or if you are planning on a three hour cocktail party, from 4 pm to 7 pm. Any earlier, your guests may not want to eat, any later, they may expect a full meal. Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres tend to take less time than a full reception, so a cocktail reception should be between two and three hours at the most.

A cocktail reception opens the doors to many location possibilities which would otherwise not be available to you if you had a traditional wedding reception. You could have your cocktail reception poolside, on a terrace, on a city rooftop (which would be beautiful at sunset), at an art gallery, or even in a room in a museum. You will open the door to many unique reception locations if you choose this idea, often costing a fraction of the price of a traditional banquet location.

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A wedding is a celebration combining two lives into one. A wedding invitation signifies the start of the celebration. They are sent to families and friends of both bride and groom inviting them to attend the celebration. It is important to take care in preparing the wedding invitation since this will send first impressions of the wedding.

A wedding invitation contains a lot of information. It will give guests a glimpse at your style and taste. It will also introduce the important people involved in the wedding. Therefore is important to keep some things in mind when choosing and sending your wedding invitation.

The first things guests will see when they open the envelope will give them an idea of the bride and grooms taste and style, and formality. The colors of the wedding are generally intertwined in the invitation. Regardless of whether your wedding will be formal or informal the invitations should give a great first impression. If you are choosing theme for your wedding carry it into the invitations. For example a traditional white wedding will be traditional and elegant in white. For a theme bases wedding such as an old movie could have antique look to it or special clips from the move in it. A Vegas wedding may have more flair with glitter or gold confetti in the envelope.

Spelling and grammar are also very important parts of your wedding invitation. The names need to be presented in proper order and spelled correctly. Some people choose to write their own wording for the invitation while others go with prewritten ones.

Whichever you choose always proofread a few times for any errors. It may be helpful to have a few of those people close to you read it; occasionally they may catch an error you miss. Make sure the address; dates, and times are all correct. You don't want everyone showing up at 2pm when your wedding was at 12. You may also include a short map or additional instructions on another paper in your invitation, such as whether children are allowed and themes. Letting your guests know ahead of time may ease frustration later on.

A wedding is a day the bride and groom will always treasure, therefore the invitations should reflect a bit of them. Whether you decide to have a formal traditional wedding or a themed beach party your invitations should reflect that also. Keep in mind to use proper grammar, spelling and always proofread. A special poem, writing or traditional greeting about your day welcomes others to join the celebration. Any special instructions or maps should be on an additional sheet of paper enclosed with the invitation. A wedding is a celebration and the invitation should reflect your desire for the guest to attend.

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Popularly known as Anand Karaj, the history of Sikh marriage ceremonies traces its roots back to the era of Amar Das (1479-1574 AD), a Sikh Guru. It is said that he composed a lengthy hymn (known as Anand) of 40 stanzas. This hymn is usually sung during almost all religious ceremonies. Here we talk about the various things you must keep in mind while finalizing Sikh wedding cards.

What to Keep in Mind While Choosing Sikh Wedding Cards

Sikh weddings are known for the various festivities associated with them. The specialty of Sikh wedding cards is that you can choose to have different cards for different occasions.

  • Pre-Wedding Rituals

Sikh weddings have a number of rituals that are followed before the actual wedding ceremony. Keeping in mind the importance and variety of the rituals, you can choose have a pre-wedding invite for functions, such as roka, shri akhand path and sagai. For instance, sagai (also known as mangni) is actually the ceremony in which the bride and the groom exchange rings and get engaged. Although some families like to keep this ceremony private, you can make your family members feel special by giving away invitation cards for this occasion.

Wedding Rituals

After the series of pre-wedding rituals, comes the gala event. The wedding ceremony starts with a shagun ceremony, where the groom's family is bestowed with precious and memorable gifts and sweets by the bride's family. This ritual is followed by another vital event, the chunni, in which the groom's family (especially the ladies) adorn the bride with a red dupatta (veil).

The groom's family welcomes the bride-to-be by showering her with gifts, and adorning her with make up, sindoor, jewelry, bangles, bindi and a beautiful dupatta. While getting your Sikh wedding cards printed, you can think about including the details of these rituals as well. This helps you to share the vital details of the event with your guests.

Post-Wedding Rituals

The ritual and ceremonies don't finish with the wedding. Once the wedding itself is over, there are a few more rituals that need to be taken care of. For instance, the vidaai or the doli ceremony, where the bride's family bids her a (usually teary) farewell. This ceremony marks the end of the wedding rituals. A bit of an emotional affair, this is the ceremony in which the bride finally leaves behind her paternal home and goes to live with her husband's family and thus starts a new life. Although not necessary, nowadays there are families that like to hold a small get together after the marriage. This reception ceremony is usually held to introduce the new bride to the husband's family, friends and community.

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There have been some bad movies about those in the music industry (Glitter suddenly comes to mind). But, there have also been some worth not only watching, but listening to, over and over again. The following is our list of best band-related movies. Sit back, relax, and, for goodness sake, turn up the volume.

Eddie and the Cruisers (1983): This early 1980's film told the tale of a 1960's rock band who becomes famous after playing gigs throughout New Jersey. After this band, aptly named Eddie and the Cruisers, makes an album that is everything Eddie hoped it would be, the album is rejected by the head of the record company. Devastated, Eddie drives his car off a bridge and Eddie, as well as his reject album, disappears. Twenty years later, a television producer decides to do a documentary on Eddie and the Cruisers and reconnects with many of the band mates, all of whom have moved on. It is during this time that an older looking Eddie resurfaces, thus setting up the sequel: Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives.

Not only did this movie touch on the frustration and sacrifices of the music industry, but it also put an unknown band on the map: John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band. Performing the soundtrack to the original and the sequel, John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown band released the theme song of the movie, "On the Dark Side;" it was a hit single and can still be heard on present-day radio stations.

This is Spinal Tap (1984): A Rob Reiner directed mockumentary, This is Spinal Tap features a heavy metal rock band and its wild behavior. A film that pokes fun at the music industry, certain scenes offended some musicians, at least initially, hitting rather close to home. However, once people realized they shouldn't take themselves so seriously, the intention of the movie - to be satirical and make fun of pretentiousness - was made more obvious.

Many of the scenes were improvised and ad-libbed, leaving the outcome very funny to many viewers. This is Spinal Tap was listed as 64 on Bravo's 100 Funniest Movies and climbed to 29 on AFI's 100 Years...100 Laughs. It was also quickly made into a cult classic and deemed, in 2002, as culturally significant by the Library of Congress. From here, it was chosen for preservation in the National Film Registry.

That Thing You Do (1996): Any film that is written by, directed by, and stars Tom Hanks has got to be good: this film was just that. Taking place in the 1960's, this film features Hanks as a manager of the Wonders, a one-hit wonder with Beatles-like undertones. As the Wonders climb their way to fame, getting on the radio and eventually gaining a record contract and touring nationally, the foundations within the band begin to unravel. The band soon follows.

Made up of an all-star cast, including Tom Everett Scott, Steve Zahn, Liv Tyler, Charlize Theron, Rita Wilson, and Giovanni Ribisi, That Thing You Do also features all-star music with a soundtrack that includes music by Rick Elias, Scott Rogness, and Howard Shore. The movie's most memorable song, "That Thing you Do," mirrored fiction when it became a hit and helped launch the career of Fountains of Wayne.

Almost Famous (2000): Written and directed by Cameron Crowe, Almost Famous was just that - almost famous - when it came to its less than block bluster performance at the box office. Critically, however, it received high acclaim including four Academy Award nominations. Renowned film critic Roger Ebert called it the "best movie of the year."

Following the journey of William Miller, Almost Famous tells the tale of a young man caught in a whirlwind of madness, excitement, and lust when he tours with a rock band. A semi-autographical story, this movie is based on Crowe's experience as a young writer touring with Led Zeppelin.

Musically, Almost Famous won the Grammy for Best Compilation Soundtrack Album for a Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media. The film featured songs from Elton John, Simon and Garfunkel, Thunderclap Newman, Peter Frampton, and Nancy Wilson.

Dreamgirls (2006): Released nationally on Christmas Day 2006, Dreamgirls became a hit, winning three Golden Globes and two Oscars. Adapted from the 1981 Broadway musical, Dreamgirls is set in the 1960's and 1970's; it follows the careers of The Dreamettes, a Detroit group with a strong resemblance to The Supremes. Dreamgirls takes us into the world of R&B and the Motown movement that changed our nation.

Dreamgirls may be best remembered as launching the film career of Jennifer Hudson, a former American Idol contestant. But, it is likely it will also be remembered for its music. The soundtrack is filled with music that is more present day than the score of the 1981 Broadway play, but still pays homage to R&B roots. Among the singers featured are Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, Eddie Murphy, and Jamie Foxx.

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Every bridal couple has their own distinct vision of what their perfect wedding day would look like and the style of wedding invitations they would like to send out to their guests. Some bridal couples want handmade invitations that are exceptionally elegant and sophisticated to match their similarly planned wedding reception whereas others prefer traditional all-white handmade wedding invitations as an introduction to their traditional all-white wedding reception.

Other handmade invitation styles run the gamut from elaborate and artsy to contemporary and casual; each style unique and distinctive, unlike run-of-the-mill store-bought wedding invitations where the only difference likes in the details of the wedding.

What makes handmade wedding invitations so special?

Anyone can go to a store and buy ready-made wedding invitations; the only deciding factor being the budget. A bridal couple with a higher wedding budget can go ahead and buy the most expensive invitations they can find whereas a bridal couple with a more restricted budget would have to spend some extra time looking for something cheaper. However, no matter how much you may spend on ready-made wedding invitations there is always something missing- that personal touch.

Having handmade wedding invitations reflects your commitment to creating an ambiance that is fitting for your wedding. They reveal your creativity, thoughtfulness and attention to detail and are sure to leave a lasting impression on your guests. More importantly, they give your wedding that distinctly personal touch that can never be bought or replicated.

Do you have to make handmade wedding invitations yourself?

Making homemade wedding invitations yourself can be a marvelous thought and you can certainly pull it off with élan if you have a limited guest list and plenty of time at your disposal. However, if you have a large guest list and limited time, you are better off getting homemade wedding invitations done by more professional hands.

Advantages of ordering handmade wedding invitations

Ordering handmade wedding invitations can save you time and money.

Professionally done handmade invitations have a distinct look and this is because they are hand-made; the only difference being, they are made by hands other than yours. Besides looking sophisticated and elegant, getting handmade wedding invitations professionally done has other benefits as well. For a bridal couple who have set their heart on sending out customized handmade wedding invites, getting them done professionally frees up a lot of their time; time that could now be spent on the many other aspects of wedding planning.

Another huge advantage of ordering handmade wedding invites is that most professional wedding card makers would have everything they require right at their disposal. Trying to achieve the same effect yourself may involve having to buy special equipment and tools that could be a considerable expense. Being able to order handmade wedding invites can also be a big boon to bridal couples who have the idea in their head but are not adept at executing it. It is important to make sure you explain your idea well and see the finished sample before ordering your handmade wedding invites.

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There are many ways to save money on wedding invitations. For starters, try setting an overall budget for your wedding or sub-budgets for attire, catering, invitations, etc... just like in personal finance, a budget is a must and sticking to it will save you money in the long run.

A budget also allows you to prioritize. For instance, if you really have your heart set on a nice invitation for your wedding then get what you want. You will be unhappy if you don't. It may be costly but there are other areas in your wedding planning that may not be as important to you; those are the areas where you can spend less. For instance, in order to afford the more expensive wedding invitations, re-evaluate the money you originally budgeted for flowers. Instead of using a florist to arrange flowers for the reception save money by using do it yourself decorating ideas instead. Martha Stewart is an expert at do it yourself projects. Browse through past issues of her Weddings magazine and you'll find a plethora of ideas on how to decorate on a budget.

Once you decide you want a nice invite I wouldn't opt for a run of the mill invitation from a vendor like William Arthur or Cranes. These guys are printing around the clock and might not give your job the the attention you will get from a smaller boutique printer. Also, don't rush, plan ahead. When you are in a rush you will have to get something fast and getting it done fast means that details will be overlooked and can cost you even more money in the long run.

I prefer to use letterpress printers. They can design your invitation just like you want and give you the one-on-one attention that you deserve. Some have a broad selection of ultra-thick papers and you can still get your invitations in a week or two. Letterpress printers also offer a diverse selection of environment friendly options such as recycled or tree-free papers and print using vegetable inks.

When choosing your invitations, look for other ways to save money. Look for options like borders that may be shown on the invites or RSVP cards. Many companies offer these extras as optional. Removing them doesn't alter the look that much and you can save up to $1.50 per invitation set. If you have very organized friends that are accustomed to rsvping in the traditional sense (that is, by writing you a handwritten note) or the more modern sense (by email) you might want to consider dropping the rsvp card entirely. This will cut the cost of the RSVP card and the RSVP envelope. Or maybe use an RSVP postcard instead, that way at least you lose the cost of the rsvp envelope.

In this economy many companies are also offering deals like free return address printing and free ground shipping. These savings can add up, as much as 20% off. If you don't see if offered, ask! Many companies are willing to oblige just to get your business.

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