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Creating a successful wedding photography business can be more of a challenge than one would think. Just because you can take a picture doesn't mean that starting your own wedding photography business will be smooth sailing. However there are certain building blocks one can take that will assist in creating yourself a successful start to your wedding photography business. First and most important building block is to build an efficient and thorough business/creative plan. This is the foundation and should include your objectives, your mission, and your keys to success.

Your foundation objectives will cover what it takes to produce the same outstanding quality results time after time, and what it will take to become recognized as a top wedding photographer. You mission should describe what you want to achieve and how you are going to do that. Your keys to success should include how you will fulfill your client's expectations and how you will accomplish this. How will you be competitive with your services offered? What kind of profits do you need to become successful competition?

Before you start you're first step is to find your identity. Have you figured it out? Be true to yourself and know your strengths and weaknesses as a photographer. Are you ready to start this financially and technically? Do you know your style and identity, and do you do it well? You should know how to describe your photography and vision. Are you more of a photo journalistic photographer who relies on natural available light and candid moments? Do you pre-plan and pose portraits and incorporate technical lighting skills giving a classic look. Or, do you mix it up with both, showing a full range of capabilities that give you your own modern contemporary style?

If you know what you want your photography and identity to look like but haven't achieved the look yet, maybe you need more work on your photography before you can establish your business.

Take a look at your photography and decide what level of talent you have and what potential you possess. Be critical of your work, but also have others critique your work for you. Learn how to use constructive criticism to improve your photography. If your identity isn't where you want it, ask yourself, what needs to be improved? Do you know your equipment (camera, lighting, etc) well enough? Do you know how to read and meter your exposures? Do you have the right equipment, i.e.: hi resolution digital camera and Photoshop? You need a digital camera to stay up with your competition. It is also of great importance to be proficient in Photoshop and Lightroom and your digital workflow. It is up to you to overcome any weakness with proper education and practice before you take on photographing a wedding.

Photographing a wedding is a big responsibility. Someone has paid a large amount of money and trust in you to document this special and personal day. This is why it is so important to be confident enough to step into any wedding that comes your way and do a solid job photographing it. Having your skills fine-tuned are just part of what it takes to build that foundation of confidence. The other huge part to building confidence is experience.

We all start out somewhere. So once you have your photography skills and workflow down, it is now time to test yourself and your identity. The first step is to know your value. Do you think you're up to shooting a wedding solo for $2000.00? Wait, you don't have any wedding pictures for a portfolio. How are you going to sell yourself as a wedding photographer? Well either you get lucky with someone who trusts and likes your photography regardless that you have never photographed a wedding. Or you decide to build your portfolio through being a second or third shooter for a more established wedding photographer. This is a great way to get exposure and experience in the wedding photography scene. A great way to approach this route is to call all of the local wedding photographers in your area and ask if anyone is in need of a second or third shooter. Once you find some work ask questions and pay close attention to how they run their business and how they photograph weddings. Everyone has a system. How they shoot the wedding ceremony, portraits, reception, etc. Use this position to your advantage and build relationships within the wedding industry. The more you learn, the faster you will be on your way to becoming competition. Remember to save money for when you make your transition out on your own.

Once you have some weddings under your belt your confidence will lead you at the right time to separate and become that competition that you have been working for. When you do choose, it should be all or nothing. Either stay on as a second shooter or take the risk and become competition.

After you have taken the jump into the unknown and exciting world of being your own boss. Your confidence as a photographer has grown and you now possess an identity as a wedding photographer. You can now start your wedding photography business wherever and whenever.

Hopefully you have invested in your own digital camera, backup camera, lenses, computer, Photoshop, etc. Your investment needs to have insurance. You cannot afford to have it stolen or broken; otherwise all your hard work will be for nothing. Also you should have liability insurance to C.Y.A. You can get photographers insurance through PPA.

Before you place yourself as competition in the wedding photography market you should know your competition. They are your best models to help get started. Take notice of what they charge for packages and what they include with their services. Where and how do they advertise? What niche do they fill and where can you fit in as a new business.

To establish your business you need an address. You can choose a PO Box or another mailbox service such as Mail Boxes ETC. I prefer MBE because you can choose a mailbox with a real street address. Not to mention they have many other services. Next get a separate phone number for your business. To legitimately create your business you should either have a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a sole proprietorship. You can learn about this through an accountant or through websites like legalzoom.

With the rest of the money you saved you will have to determine how much is to be used for marketing and other expenses. Marketing is going to be the most essential thing for your business to get off the ground. Without marketing you don't have a business. Your marketing essentials are: to have your identity, your portfolio, and your line of communication.

Through the image library that you have created, pick your best images to use for your portfolio, website and all promotional and marketing materials. Your portfolio can be made w/ inkjet prints that you put in an album of choice such as albums provided by Topflight, photoalbumshop, or you can choose to have one printed by Asuka albums, or other online print labs such as Snapfish or Shutterfly. Your image identity is now established, and will grow over time. However you now need your business identity. What will your promotional materials look like? What font will you use? What colors will be incorporated? Will you use a logo? It may be a good idea to find a graphic designer to help you out with this. Once you figure out your business identity and incorporate it with your promotional materials you should create and print them all at once to distribute them all year. Make sure you have the basics like your business cards, postcards, brochure, contract, 8x10's and any other promotional materials you can think of. These materials can be ordered through gotprint.com and vistaprint.com.

After your promotional materials are finished and the portfolio is printed, you are ready to create your website. View other sites to get an idea of what style of site you want and how it will look. Search for someone else to create a website for you if you aren't educated in web development but having a professional do this can get a bit pricey. Some great alternatives are to use Craigslist or look into finding a student at a local college to do it. Make sure you work with your web developer in creating your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for the site. This is most important and is the best way to insure that you can create a web presence that is optimized for search engines. The template DIY websites don't work well for SEO. SEO will concentrate on key wording, alt tags, one-way links, and proper site submissions.

You now have a business ready to start seeing some return. People are ready to see your business and it's your job to reach out and find them. It is your job to know your market and tap it with your presence. I suggest that it is priority to get a creative ad on Craigslist. Why not it's free? Now that you have all of your promotional materials printed out, where are you going to distribute them? Research all local, state, or nationwide wedding industry businesses, and create a directory of them for your advertising. Create your promotional packets with cover letter, brochure, postcards, and a mini portfolio or something that shows your style in more depth. This is a lot of work and may take a while. Get help from friends, family or again posting an ad on Craigslist for some temporary help. After you have mailed everything, follow up with phone calls to let them know who you are. This will help provide a personal connection to your materials and help start future relationships. Building relationships is very important and will help bring work your way through word of mouth. Another great way to build relationships and get your work out is to participate in any bridal shows that come to your area.

Knowing your business and what you offer to your clients and the industry is the most important thing. Just as it is important to know your self-identity as a person, so is it important to know your business identity. When the phone starts ringing people want to see confidence in you and your images. Just remember that images speak louder than words and that the cream always rises to the top.

Good Luck!

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Getting to the airport on time is crucial if you do not want to miss your flight. In the last decade, security and check-in procedures have gotten more complicated, so you always need to be sure to arrive at the airport plenty early for a flight. So when you are booking airport transportation, what should you ask your limousine company? Booking a private car can often save money, compared to taxis, but can also reduce stress as you know you will get to the airport quickly and usually for a flat rate. Still, what information should you look for before you choose your airport limousine?


How much will the trip cost? This is obviously one of the most important questions you will ask before you book a limo to take you to the airport. While most limousine companies will offer dependable, stylish transportation, but they will not all offer the same price. Nevertheless, if a company quotes a surprisingly low figure, you might want to start asking questions about licensing, insurance, and the quality of the vehicles and service. Generally speaking, the most cost effective transportation will be somewhere in the mid-range of quotes; if you book the cheapest car, you may sacrifice some luxuries, and if you book the most expensive, you may be charged unfairly. Ask for quotes for luggage fees, taxes, and any extras in advance.


In addition to the ultimate price of your trip, you probably want to get some information about the type of vehicles the company offers. Airport transportation through private car companies may come in all shapes and sizes from luxury SUVs to Lincoln Towncars. Do you want a stretch limo, or is a stylish sedan acceptable? When you ask about airport transportation, make sure to get as much information about the type of car you will be getting, as this will often affect the price. You can ask about the make, model, and year of the car, in addition to what services are included with the vehicle.

Insurance and Drivers

Obviously, you want to arrange transport to the airport with a company that offers the proper insurance and licensing. The company should provide qualified drivers with experience in the city you are travelling. If you're really serious about getting high quality limousine service at a reasonable price, ask for reference/recommendations from past customers. At the very least, by speaking to past customers you can gauge the quality of service provided by the driver and the company.

Remember, when you are booking airport transportation, it's always advisable to do some research. A few questions can help to ensure that you get to the airport safely and on time. As a consumer, you have every right to gather as much information as possible about the limousine service and make an educated choice. Most major cities will have many airport transport options and many companies competing for your business.

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No one can resist a pretty face and a sexy body. There is something about beauty that appeals to everyone. Many people say that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, or in this case, a person by her looks. However, it is hard to disagree with another statement that says that it is easier to get to know and like someone, when the exterior is beautiful.

Harsh as this may sound, we are all partial to a pretty face. Although this is very unfair to those who are not born with the right looks, the whole of society operates much in the same way.

It is no surprise therefore that women will do absolutely anything to be considered beautiful within the standards set upon by the rest of the world. This is particularly true when one already wants to find her lifetime partner and get married.

Some of the things that women will do are the following: scout tons of magazines to be fashionably up to date, or even hire a personal stylist; go through the most ridiculous diet regimens to stay slim; religiously exercise to tone bodies; and spend lots of money on hair and make-up.

Other outrageous deeds would involve surgical procedures and treatments that enhance one's assets. This may involve dangerous medical operations to tweak minor details in the face, or take away flab in certain areas of the body. No pain, no gain they say. Beauty is priceless and must be achieved no matter the cost. But sometimes we wonder what true beauty really is. If one is to fall in love with beauty, it should be the kind of beauty that comes from within. Superficial enhancements therefore, are useless if we talk about real love.

Besides, there have been thousands of cases wherein these invasive procedures produce distorted results, such as burning and scarring of skin. Unfortunately, even death may occur from it, leading people to really question themselves if exterior beauty is all we ever search for.

Although it is understandable that we all want to look picture perfect, especially for women on their wedding days, a decadent and elegant bridal gown together with the right internal values can shine through whatever situation. Outside beauty can fade after many years, but a wonderful personality will always stay with you.

With the real reasons of love and companionship, any wedding day is bound to become memorable whether you are walking down the aisle with the World's Most Beautiful Model, or with just your simple partner whom you truly love.

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Like most soon to be married couples, you've probably spent months preparing to insure that your wedding day will go smoothly. However, there are events that can take place on or before your wedding day that are beyond your control. An Event Insurance Policy Plan can cover you for unforeseen events, such as and illness in the wedding party, or an act of nature.

Wedding Cancellation Insurance Plans

Most policies will cover the financial impact of rescheduling a wedding reception if cancellation is caused by the following events:

Cancellation Due To Severe Weather

The cost of rescheduling the wedding because of severe weather will be covered only if a majority of your guests can not attend the wedding.

Absence of Key People in the Wedding

You are covered if people critical to the wedding ceremony or reception can not attend because of injury or illness, or if the officiant does not show up.

Military Leave Withdrawn

You have coverage if the wedding must be cancelled because either the bride or groom is called for mandatory military service.

Other Wedding Insurance Coverage

Also be on the lookout for policies which include coverage for the following wedding specific items:

Wedding Photographs and Videos

If the photographer does not show up, the film is defective, or if the negatives are destroyed or lost, the cost of retaking photos is reimbursed.

Wedding Gift Insurance

The insurance policy should cover the loss or theft of your wedding gifts.

Loss of Wedding Deposits

The policy should also include reimbursement of any outstanding deposits should one of your wedding vendors go out of business prior to the wedding day.

Wedding Jewelry and Attire

If the special attire of one of the attendants is lost or destroyed, or special jewelry is lost or stolen.

Additional Expenses

Blanket coverage for unforeseen, extra expenses incurred to side step the cancellation of your wedding.

Professional Counseling

The Event Insurance Policy should cover the cost of doctor recommended counseling for the bride and groom to deal with the stress of a wedding cancellation.

Timing the Purchase of Wedding Event Insurance

You should buy the insurance as soon as you begin making deposits to wedding vendors. Insurance can generally be purchased as late as two weeks prior to the wedding reception date.

Once you have made deposits to all your vendors (most of which are non-refundable) this type of wedding reception event cancellation insurance can protect your investment by insuring you against unexpected events leading up to your big day.

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During every consultation with a potential client, the bride opens her wedding organizer and flips to her copy of the ten most important questions to ask a wedding photographer.

No question is a bad question. I'll politely answer any question she asks. But these top-ten-lists printed in wedding magazines don't go far enough. So, take your list of ten questions and add a few more that I've written in this article. They will greatly improve the information you get from photographers.

Do you accept family portrait lists?

Every photographer should accept this list. It's essential to accomplishing the job you've hired him for. Write down the name of every family member to appear in each portrait. Review the list with your photographer, and he'll tell you how much time will be needed to take every picture.

Do you carry liability insurance? Every wedding vendor should have a minimum $1 million liability policy. This insurance covers accidents or damage the photographer may cause while working. You don't want to end up responsible for their damage. Protect yourself.

Will you make changes to the contract?

Many photographers object to changing their contracts for any reason. You don't have to work with them. Never sign an agreement that you're uncomfortable with. I suggest the following list of additions to every photography contact.

1. The photographer you are hiring should be named explicitly as the photographer who will photograph your wedding.

2. The contract should list any prepayment as a deposit. It should not say retainer. In some states, you may have a difficult time being refunded a retainer if the photographer fails to perform the contract.

3. You should provide limitations on things he shouldn't photograph, such as the bride or groom undressed.

4. If you're receiving digital negatives in the package, you'll need the photographer to grant you a copyright license to use the digital files for unlimited personal printing.

5. The contract will have a "Failure to Perform" section. It should state that you are entitled to a full refund of all money paid, including the deposit, should the photographer not photograph your wedding.

How do you provide wedding proofs?

Few photographers provide printed proofs anymore. Every photographer I know posts the photographs in a private web gallery or mails a DVD to the client. I do both. The web gallery accepts print orders from the couple and their wedding guests, and the DVD includes all of the photographs in a printable format.

How long will the wedding photographs be online? Every service is different. They should be online for a minimum of one year.

What file format do you shoot?

Every professional photographer will use the RAW setting, which gives the client the best possible results. This file format captures 4,096 levels of color per channel. The JPEG format, used in every point and shoot camera, captures 256 levels. That's a massive difference in the subtleties of color tone within an object.

RAW has the greatest dynamic range, which means you'll see a lot of detail in the brightest and darkest areas of a photograph.

Does your rate include any photo editing?

Anything is possible when your photographer has great digital editing skills. But don't count on it being free. Editing is a very extensive process that often costs more because of the time that is involved.

As part of the photographer's day-rate, he should include a RAW conversion. This means that the photographer opens each RAW file and adjusts all of the settings to create a nicest printable photograph. It will improve the skin tones, contrast and sharpness of the photographs.

Many clients think the conversions look so wonderful that they can't suggest any other changes. RAW conversions create proofs that blow away proofs made from film.

Your tab will start adding up when you ask the photographer to change things about your appearance. Want a different hair color? I can do it. Want a digital nose job? No problem. It's cheaper than plastic surgery.

You can save money. Ask your photographer to provide free editing with your album order. I do this as part of my regular service. I will make any edit to an album print that the client requests at no additional charge.

Do you provide digital negatives?

Selling the digital negatives is a very contentious issue among professionals. Photographers never gave film negatives to the client without charging a bundle. Since digital files are the same thing as negatives, many photographers charge upwards of $1,000 for them. So, the couple is forced into buying an album or prints if they ever want to hold their photographs.

Younger photographers, including myself, realize that the market has changed. Wedding clients demand that they receive the digital negatives as part of the day-rate package. I agree with them.

I give my clients the digital negatives, and they still spend plenty of money on the new, innovative wedding albums and other products. My clients are happy, and my business prospers.

Do you grant a copyright license to print from the disc?

Why pay for the disc if you're not allowed to use it? Ask to receive a copyright license to use the disc for personal use. Photographers won't sell you the copyrights, but they will grant you the license to print from the disc. You could even choose to make your own album. I always give my wedding clients the license.

How long do you archive the client's files?

Digital image files are huge. They quickly fill hard drives, and some photographers won't spend the money to save years of photographs. The photographer should tell you how long he archives the files before deleting them.

Do you print on exclusively on real photography paper?

If you know nothing about photography and want a high-quality, life-long lasting print, then ask your photographer to print on Fuji or Kodak digital papers with a Lustre finish

These two brands of paper look identical. The brand you receive will depend on the professional lab where your photographer orders his prints. They will last for your lifetime. That's much longer than your parent's wedding prints, which have probably faded in their album already.

The Lustre finish has a fine sheen. It's not glossy, nor is it matte. The colors really pop, and it resists fingerprints and water droplets. If you ever spill water on a print, drain it off and air dry. Don't dab or wipe it, and you might save the print.

What is included in the album rate?

The price should include a fixed number of pages and photographs. The photographer should edit the photographs to your satisfaction.

If you're receiving a coffee table book with a unique layout, you should request final approval before printing.

Don't allow fake photo paper in an album. Albums with rigid pages most likely have real photography paper. If the album has flexible pages, then it's probably a fake photo paper. This is nothing more than coated cardboard designed to imitate the real thing. It will fail in your lifetime. I've seen interior folds fade within a few months.

Many coffee table books, however, use real photo paper. Make sure the photographer knows what he is selling you.

Copyright Rich Dutchman 2010

Article may be reprinted in its entirety with proper crediting to the author.

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It's surprisingly easy to fill your car with the wrong fuel - which is why some insurance companies provide optional misfuelling insurance as part of standard car insurance. We've all done it: perhaps you're thinking about work, or talking to your passenger; you reach over for the petrol pump, pull the trigger and begin to fill up your car. You happen to look down at the pump in your hand and horror strikes - it's the wrong pump! With good car insurance, however, you should be able to fix the problem relatively easily.

Your car insurance will usually pay for:

* Draining and flushing the fuel tank on site using a specialist roadside vehicle. This is especially useful as once you have realised you've filled the car with the wrong fuel, you should not move it any more.
* Recovery of the vehicle, the driver and up to 6 passengers to the nearest repairer
* Replenishing the fuel tank with 10 litres of the correct fuel.

You may be allowed to make a claim up to 瞿500 in any period of insurance; however you will be responsible for any extra costs.

Some insurance companies such as John Lewis even have a 24-hour Misfuelling Insurance Emergency Helpline. This is very helpful, as you will be put in touch with a professional who will tell you exactly what to do, depending on your situation. When you call the helpline, you should have your insurance policy number, vehicle registration number, exact location and contact details to hand. Your support line will then tell you what to do next.

There will usually be some exclusions to misfuelling insurance. For example, you will not be covered for misfuelling that happens outside the UK, for misfuelling commercial vehicles, or where your vehicle has been modified outside of the manufacturer's specifications. There are other exclusions, so it's worth checking your insurance policy to find out exactly what will be covered.

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In your wedding, you give gifts and you receive gifts. Always remember these wise words of Seneca, an ancient Roman Stoic philosopher:

"We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation;

for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers."

How to Choose Gifts for Groomsmen

Your choice of groomsman gifts depends on many factors. However, these gifts should be the sole domain of the groom since in no way should your "blushing bride signature" be found on the items.

However, you can assist your groom in choosing his groomsmen gifts. Here are some tips to be helpful instead of intrusive:

* If you are also friends with the groomsmen, you can help the groom decide on the best groomsman gifts to reflect both his personality and those of the groomsmen. Just suggest based on what you think is best but never cross the line of actually insisting otherwise.

* You can direct your groom to stores and online sites where he can source out possible ideas for his groomsman gifts. Often, your man will need just a little push in the right direction and then you should trust him to make the right decisions. After all, he did make the right decision to marry you, didn't he?

* If he appears to be going beyond the budget, you can gently remind him that there are imaginative ways to express his appreciation even on a tight budget. You can consider your gentle persuasion as practice negotiation for marriage!

How to Choose Bridesmaid Gifts

Unlike the gifts for groomsmen, you have full control over the bridesmaid gifts. Here are some useful tips in this area:

* You should opt for useful items that can be used during the wedding ceremony and after it. For example, you can opt for jewelry and accessories to accent the bridesmaids' dresses. Or you can give everyday items like scarves, purses, vanity cases, make-up kits, and perfumes.

* You should consider the personality of the bridesmaid. It is not necessary that every bridesmaid have the same engraved item; you can give varying items of the same amount to reflect the unique personalities of the bridesmaids. Consider how you felt when you were a bridesmaid receiving an item the bride knew you could not care less about.

Wedding Gifts

Unfortunately, you really do not have much control on the wedding gifts you will receive. Although you can enroll in a wedding registry, your guests still have the final say on the gifts they will present you with. However, you do have control over the theft of your wedding gifts. You can prevent these by:

* Having all your gifts sent directly to your house or to your parents' house. This is the accepted way anyway so you will not have much trouble in this area.

* Foregoing a gift table. Sometimes, cash gifts are presented during the reception. You can table-hop to get these gifts instead of putting them on a gift table.

* Asking gate crashers to leave. Only movies romanticize wedding crashers but reality does bite (and steal).

* Buying a wedding insurance. Your stolen wedding gifts will be covered by insurance as long as the theft is reported right away.

And do not forget to send the appropriate thank-you notes!

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We have all seen the occasion, either in person or on television or the movies: the beautiful wedding with all the accoutrements. The beautiful blushing bride standing next to her nervous, but happy, groom in the flower-adorned religious facility, flanked by the wedding party in traditional gowns and tuxedos, being lovingly viewed by the congregation gathered. At the apex of the scene, between the bridge and groom, stands the clergyperson delivering customary and appropriate words of inspiration. The entire process leads to the climactic moment when the bride and groom gaze into one another's eyes and the clergyperson says those very familiar words: "by the power vested in me by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I now pronounce you man and wife." Exuding joy and elation, the newly married couple shares a symbolic kiss and exits the religious facility in newly wedded bliss to enter a car, dragging tin cans in its wake, to announce their nuptials.

Amidst the joy and happiness, no one stops to wonder at what seems to be a very obvious question: what if the "power" was not "vested" in the clergyperson to marry the engaged couple? One York County couple, however, did think to ask the question in the case of Heyer v. Hollerbush, Court of Common Pleas of York County, Pennsylvania No. 2007-SU-2132-Y08 (September 7, 2007). In Heyer, the couple was married by a Universal Life Church minister. After about one year of marriage, Heyer filed a Motion for Declaratory Judgment against Hollerbush requesting the Court to declare the marriage invalid. Heyer argued that the "power" to marry a couple was not "vested" in a Universal Life Church minister by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania vests the power on clergy to marry individuals under 23 Pa.C.S.A. Section 1503. Section 1503(a)(6) states that "the following are authorized to solemnize marriage between persons that produce a marriage license issued under this part: A minister, priest or rabbi of any regularly established church or congregation." Heyer argued that a "minister" "ordained" in the Universal Life Church does not fit the criterion laid out under Section 1503(a)(6).

The Universal Life Church "ordains" interested individuals over the Internet or through the mail via a simple application. No seminary, training, endorsements, or sponsorship is required; indeed, beyond a completed application there are no requirements for ordinands whatsoever. Ordination is considered conferred upon review of the application by a human as the Church believes that people are born ordained and the completion/review of the application merely acknowledges this fact. The Universal Life Church has no meeting places, no form of religious observance, no holy book or sacred traditions, and is entirely non-ecclesiastic. Its creed consists of one undefined, unexplained and unexpanded upon sentence: "Do only that which is right." Given the preceding, the Court in Heyer ruled that a "minister" ordained in the Universal Life Church does not fit the requirements of Section 1503(a)(6). Essentially, the Court reasoned that as such a minister does not have a "regularly established church or congregation," and Section 1503(a)(6) therefore does not vest the power to marry on him or her. As a result, the Court ruled that the couple in Heyer were never actually married, declaring the marriage void ab initio (i.e.: from its inception).

Following the Heyer decision, the American Civil Liberties Union took on this issue by filing similar cases in the counties of Philadelphia (In Re: Ryan Allen Hancock and Melanie Bilenker Han, No. 080201774), Montgomery (In Re: Marriage of Peter Goldberger and Anna M. Durbin, No, 2008-21497), and Bucks (In Re: Marriage of Jason O'Neill and Jennifer R. O'Neill, No.: 2008-01620), requesting the Court to declare the validity of those marriages. Similar to the Heyer matter, the cases in Philadelphia and Bucks Counties each involved a wedding presided over by a Universal Life Church minister. In each of these cases, the Court disagreed with the Heyer Court and ruled that a Universal Live Church minister does fit the criteria of Section 1503(a)(6). The Court essentially ruled that the Court in Heyer narrowly and incorrectly interpreted Section 1503(a)(6); that a "regularly established church or congregation" does not exclude ministers without a congregation or physical church. Further, the Court was persuaded by the fact that the Universal Life Church is a well-established religion recognized as such by its tax-exempt status. Finally, it appears that the Court simply refused to involve itself in the affairs of religion, consistent with the tenor of the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Ultimately in these cases the Court declared the couples validly married.

The marriage at issue in the case in Montgomery County was presided over by a Jesuit priest ordained by the Roman Catholic Church. The Jesuit priest was an itinerant priest who had no congregation of his own and no assignment to any parish. The Court again disagreed with the Court in Heyer using similar logic as found in the other two cases. However, it ought to be noted that reaching this decision regarding a Roman Catholic priest was much less groundbreaking as the previous cases because he was ordained by a well recognized and time-honored religion with extremely defined and established doctrines. This case, however, is significant inasmuch as it lends support to the principle that a clergyperson does not need a physical church or congregation to formally and officially pronounce a couple married.

At this point, there is no standard interpretation and application of Section 1503(a)(6) across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a whole. Only the four counties mentioned above have addressed the interpretation and/or application of Section 1503(a)(6); the remaining counties have yet to make a ruling. It is doubtful that there will be any uniformity on this issue until it is addressed by at least Superior Court, but it will likely require a definitive ruling from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Therefore, if one intends to be married, one should take consideration of whether the clergyperson presiding over the wedding does, indeed, have the power vested in him or her to do so in the county in which the wedding will occur. Who knows, perhaps reviewing a clergyperson's curriculum vitae will become a standard part of wedding planning for the foreseeable future. However, whether these married couples will live together until death parts them is another story altogether.

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When you're getting ready to ship something with your courier company you will have to fill out a request for a delivery. This is sometimes done through paper forms that they have given your, or often through an online interface today. One section that your courier service will have on those forms is something called declared value.

This is something that you will have to state for every package that you ship with the courier company. That is because this is the figure that will be used should you ever be forced to file an insurance claim with the company of any kind. When you tell them what your declared value is, you are telling them how much your package is worth. This is the maximum amount that you would be permitted to claim should something happen to your package which required an insurance claim to be made.

Filling out this section isn't necessarily as clear cut as simply putting down how much your package is worth. The reason for this is because of the size of the insurance policies which you courier may take out for packages being transported in certain sized courier vehicles. Their insurance is going to have a maximum declarable value for each package. That means that you can't claim more than that amount as a declared value, even if your package is worth more. This also means that should you make a claim, you will only receive that maximum declared value, not more, even if your goods were worth more.

This is why people sometimes buy their own insurance to add on to the policy which is already in place with the courier company. Many times this is done especially if they are shipping something which is worth a large amount more than whatever that maximum declared value figure should be. That way, they are able to receive adequate compensation should something unfortunate happen to their package.

Keep in mind that the declared value that you have stated does not always mean that you will receive a payout of that size should you be forced to make an insurance claim as well. As always, making an insurance claim is a complicated business in which many factors figure. You will have to provide proof of packaging, for instance, to show that you have done everything which was within your sphere of responsibility to make sure the package did not become damaged.

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Insuring your wedding is the same as taking out any type of insurance; it is a bit of a gamble. If you take it out the chances are that you will not have to use it. If you decide not to gamble and save some money then of course you have the worry that something may happen and if it does, of possibly suffering disaster financially. If you are considering covering your wedding with insurance you have to ensure that you are making the right wedding insurance comparison.

The first thing you need to determine before making your search is the type of insurance needed. Usually you have the option of choosing between UK cover, overseas wedding cover or insurance for a civil partnership. Not all insurance companies may offer different forms of insurance so it can pay to shop around and compare what is on offer.

As the name suggests UK wedding insurance covers any wedding in the UK and only in the UK. A policy may typically cover many different events and the benefits given in a policy may differ between insurance providers. Some may offer more benefits than others for the same money or very little difference in premiums, and this works to your benefit. Typically the average UK wedding policy may cover, cancellation of the wedding, any deposits you may have paid, car hire, wedding outfits, photographer, your rings, flowers and venue.

If you are holding a wedding overseas then you need to consider a different policy to ensure you have the correct coverage as you typically need to protect against the same events as in the UK and others that are not applicable to the UK. This for instance could be hurricane damage. You may be having a wedding on the beach in a romantic location with just the immediate family members and be having a wedding in the UK for other family members. Some insurance providers may offer free protection for your wedding in the UK when you take out overseas wedding insurance.

You may also choose to take out civil partnership insurance if holding a civil partnership wedding and reception. Usually as with any type of insurance to cover weddings you are able to choose the level of insurance that you need. A civil partnership wedding typically covers the same basics as any UK wedding insurance policy.

Whichever type of wedding insurance you choose to take out it is important to check out the small print of the insurance before rushing into buying. While certain events may be protected there could be exclusions or limitations. Just as with any type of insurance, there is typically a certain amount of excess that you have to pay when making a successful claim. The excess may vary between providers so always ensure that you compare this when comparing the benefits and the cost of the insurance. Also bear in mind that usually an event is covered up to a maximum amount and this too may vary depending on the insurance provider that you choose to take your policy with.

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The father daughter bridal dance is maybe one of the most sentimental and moving moments of the entire wedding day. There's typically not a dry eye in the room after the father of the bride dances with the beloved daughter he just gave away after walking her down the aisle. Selecting just the correct father daughter weddings songs is such a crucial part of planning the wedding as this can be the best way for the bride to honor the first most significant man in her life.

Here are the five most well-known father daughter wedding songs of all time, spanning several different genres of music and generations and suitable for all types of wedding receptions.

5. Sunrise Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof: This long time favorite from the Fiddler on the Roof soundtrack was performed at wedding receptions for numerous years, and with its slow yet graceful pace it is perfect for a dance. Sunrise Sunset has been a treasured wedding song for several generations since its words tell of the inevitable passage of time tied together with the just right mix of bliss and tears.

4. Through the Years by Kenny Rogers: A moving and timeless song of love with wonderful words and a slow, easy beat for dancing to, this is one of the most famous father daughter wedding songs of all. With a light country sound it appeals to a wide audience and will surely make for a unforgettable moment on the dance floor.

3. Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder: The cheerful yet moving song by Stevie Wonder Isn't She Lovely is a excellent dancing song if you're looking for something a bit groovier than the normal father daughter wedding songs. Written to celebrate the birth of his daughter, the song opens with the sounds of a newborn crying then with laughter throughout as father and daughter play. A poignant, heartfelt song considering Wonder has never had the chance to see his daughter due to his blindness.

2. Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle: Another of the most well-known-popular father daughter wedding songs of all time is Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle. If you're searching for a title full of great emotion along with beautiful yet simple lyrics, this may be the one for you. The speed is easy to dance to, but be ready for plenty of tears and emotions as this moving song chronicles a father's love for his daughter from birth up until the time he had to give her away on her wedding day.

1. Daddy's Little Girl by Al Martino: With lyrics like, "You're the end of the rainbow, you're my pot of gold, you're daddy's little girl," this song first made known by Al Martino is short and gentle, ideal for keeping an emotional dance from being too lengthy. If you aren't crazy about the original version, the song has been remade by several different musicians in a wide variety of music styles.

Whatever father daughter wedding songs you eventually decide upon, both you and your father and also all of your guests will be sure to treasure this special moment for limitless years in the future.

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As we continue to enjoy the turmoil generated by the economic downturn, wedding insurance has increasingly become one of those aspects which people have chosen to ignore in order to try to keep the overall cost of the wedding to a minimum.

Planning a wedding is very rarely cheap, and so often couples will be making a number of tough decisions as far as what to buy, what to pay for, and what they can get away with not having. There are some optional extras which have increasingly fallen by the wayside.

Traditionally many couples have purchased bottles of wine and liberally spread them around the tables for the reception, but many couples are cutting back on such generous frivolities, letting their friends and family by their own drinks instead. Having a lavishly tiered wedding cake can certainly look good for the photographs, but having two out of the three tiers made of cardboard is another way in which couples are helping their budget to stretch further.

These and many other examples are certainly viable ways in which couples can help their wedding budget stretch as far as they need it to in order to have a truly memorable and magical day. But choosing to cut out wedding insurance is not cutting out an optional extra.

Granted, as you walk up the aisle, stand up to give a speech, pose for photographs, or tuck into your wedding meal, nobody is going to stand and admire your wedding insurance policy. Nobody will compliment you on your choice of insurance company, there will be no photographs of your policy document, and after the event nobody will be reminiscing happily about the wording of paragraph 3 subsection 2.

But this doesn't in any way mean that a wedding insurance policy should be considered an extra. It is precisely because of the fact that we are still experiencing an economic downturn that it is more critical than ever to make sure you have the cover you need.

Only very recently a major wedding company called Confetti went bust, much to the surprise of many of those within the industry who had seen that company as an established and trusted brand. There is no such thing these days as a completely future proof and reliable service provider, and failing to take out suitable wedding insurance will place you in a very precarious position.

Without suitable cover you will be entirely and completely at the mercy of a dozen or more service suppliers, most of whom you won't have previously had anything to do with, and so won't have any firsthand experience of, and certainly will have no control over.

If they run into financial difficulties, you will have nowhere to turn. You may think that you will at least get your deposit back, or a refund on any money already paid, but it is worth remembering that if a supplier goes bankrupt then you may well be at the very bottom of the list of creditors, and may well receive absolutely nothing. Wedding insurance doesn't have to cost much, but not taking out wedding insurance may very well cost a good deal more.

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Your wedding day - one of the most memorable days of your life. Leading up to this day takes hours and hours of organising and researching. One aspect of that organising that is very often overlooked or left to the last minute, is the wedding cars. This is traditionally the groom's responsibility, but as is the case these days, the bride is often the one who actually organises everything usually with the help of her mother, sister or friends. This is just as well, as most grooms don't have the knowledge or understanding of just how important the wedding cars are for the bride to be.

So how do you know exactly what you'll need in regard to wedding car hire and transport?

Firstly, how many cars, or even bigger transport, will you need? Think about the journey and who will need to be in the cars. The bridesmaid, flowers girl, pageboys as well as considering the mothers and fathers of the bride and groom. Oh, and don't forget the groom himself with the best man. This will help to decide on the numbers and type of cars needed.

It's traditional for the bride to be and her father to travel in the main wedding car, but due to budget restraints many brides are opting to hire a larger style car such as a stretch limousine which can transport the bride, her father and the bridesmaids with the flowers girls for the same cost as a smaller, more traditional car such as a Rolls Royce or Beauford. Very often the cost of hiring a stretch limousine works out as great value for money.

The size of the car needs to be considered when thinking about the wedding dress too as you need to make sure that your and your dress fit comfortably into the car, especially if there is also a long train on the dress. If you have any luggage or large bags, consider asking a relative to take these or ask the venue if you can drop them off by taxi the day before, making sure the venue has a safe, secure storage place.

Remember to ask the wedding car company if they have the correct insurance, not just normal car insurance but public liability insurance to cover for accident to you dress etc. Also ask them if you have exclusive hire of the cars as you could be delayed at the church or registry office and you need to make sure the wedding car hire company is not in any hurry to attend another wedding after yours. Call the wedding car hire company 2 weeks before to make sure everything is still on track.

You may have to consider hiring a coach as well if your venue is far from your place of ceremony or if it is difficult for your guest to get to.

Your wedding cars are not just for transporting the bride and groom etc, they are a vital of your day and they will also be included in your photography, so it is important to appreciate that this transport as just as important as the dress.

So remember, book the cars well in advance as they often get book up very quickly. Use a reputable company, join a wedding forum in your local area and ask others for their recommendations but most of all do everything well in advance and then sit back and enjoy the ride!!

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Wedding ring, a band to symbolize an endless circle of love and the commitment of marriage vows for the wedding couple is use in most marital ceremonies. To show the love and commitment that the couples have for one another, the ring is usually not taken down.

A married couple will wear their wedding ring for most of the time; this makes the wedding ring material a very important aspect to consider when choosing a suitable ring. Unless you do not have the budget to choose from a wide variety of rings with different material, it is good to have a basic understanding of the different type of material available and their pros and cons.

The most commonly use material is gold. One of the most important aspects with regards to gold is how many carats you want the ring to be. Gold is a very soft metal by itself. In its pure form known as twenty-four-carat gold, it can be bent easily and is thus not suitable for making jewelry. Therefore gold are commonly mix and hardened with copper, tin and bismuth. The concentration of alloy metals used in gold is measure in carats. The higher carats the gold is, the softer the material would be.

A general rule of thumb would be to use eighteen carat gold for wedding rings, as anything above that would be too soft, bent easily and is unsuitable for setting any precious stones. When using gold, make sure not to use too low a carat rating like nine or ten, as they tarnish and turns green or black easily. In short, eighteen carat gold is still the prefer rating nowadays that is both sturdy and of high quality. Be sure to request for it of you decided on a gold wedding ring.

Platinum, a stronger and more enduring material is getting more popular than ever. Platinum does not oxidize and can be used without worry by the person compare to gold that has higher chances of tarnish and smudges on the wearer's finger.

There is also a trace of noble characteristics attach to it. In the 18th century, platinum's rarity made King Louis XV of France declare it as the only metal fit for a king wear. It is more precious than gold and the price of platinum fluctuate with its availability on the market. Normally platinum will costs slightly less than twice the price of gold.

While most religious marital ceremonies accept a band of any material to symbolize the taking of marriage vows, it is important to get the most suitable one for yourself. After all, it is a ring of commitment that will follow you till old.

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Here is a good example, a lot of people wouldn't employ the cheaper plastic surgeon same applies whenever employing a limo for your special wedding ceremony. Getting the best price is like choosing a surgeon who presents less for their services.

The following are situations that could happen to you personally when committing to a limo services in Maryland for the "Best Price"; try to remember this may apply to you on your wedding ceremony. Thus please read each and every scenario slow.

1. Your current limo doesn't show up on time and then you're late for your wedding party.

2. A 1989 limousine rusting on the seams gets to your doorway after you were ready for a 2007 model. Instead of being lavished in luxury, you are embarrassed on your big wedding day.

3. Your limo stops working on the road during transport to the wedding reception. You and the bridal party miss out on the wedding reception where it cost $60 a plate, yet held on $35.00 on limousine service.

4. The limousine comes late for your wedding. The groom is transported to the church one hour after the wedding ceremony was appointed to consummate. Wedding visitors are bewildered and disgruntled. Yet, you saved $50.

Now, here's a smart option anytime leasing a limo for your wedding day. When hiring, utilize these recommendations!

1. Get a signed contract for Your wedding party. Reliable and qualified service will be more than delighted to offer you a signed-contract for service. Companies who aren't able to supply a commitment are probably not confident within their ability to fulfill.

2. Inquire about Limousine Insurance coverage and Permits. All limousines are required to carry commercial livery insurance policy and proper permits. To guard your own self from "gypsy companies", ask for proof of these along with your agreed upon long-term contract.

3. Ask about limo industry associations. Companies who participate in industry associations usually must agree to special insurance regulations and service rules. Reputable organizations like the National Limousine Association (NLA) and the local livery organization are good indications that your particular company does their due diligence. The Better Business Bureau also is a great research source- complaints about limousine services are not far behind auto mechanics complaints.

Limo services in Maryland are the words to type in when looking for a limousine company through the internet. Be sure you keep in mind all the suggestions mentioned above so you can eliminate any headaches that might happen in your wedding ceremony or special event.

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Under unfortunate circumstances, your wedding gown may get stained and ruin your night. Good thing there are laundry care shops that specialize in cleaning wedding gowns, and they also provide some tips on how to clean it on your own. If your bridal gown is made from a fabric of polyester, there is an easy way to clean this by hand-washing it. You should also consider have it wet cleaned than dry clean because dry cleaning solvents do not totally remove water-based elements which include perspiration and food spills.

Before and after wearing your wedding dress, look over it for any stain. Having a thorough inspection of the dress makes it wiser for you to prepare the dress perfectly. Of course, make sure that you have the cleaning supplies you will need and take a good look at the hemline. It is understandable that you may get the wedding dress train soaked in dirt, and these tips might be helpful for you. When you started washing your gown, soak the dirty hem in a clean bathtub using lukewarm water for a few hours. Or, you may check if the stain gets slightly removed and the dress looks cleaner this time.

Next, prepare for the real hand-washing encounter with your bridal gown by using a toothbrush and a liquid detergent to brush away the dirt. Make sure that you will focus on cleaning the hemline as well and check the dress linings for any dirt. Rinse these areas thoroughly upon getting done on checking any other stains on the dress.

Thirdly, turn the dress bodice inside and out, and then spray the lining of the bodice with a mixture of soap and water solution. You will also need to use a toothbrush and the detergent solution to clean stains acquired because of perspiration. If your wedding dress has several layers of lining in the skirt, then make sure to check over them and clean the stains. While looking over the exterior of the dress, you should spray the stain with a sudsy solution first. Use the toothbrush and add the liquid detergent directly on the fabric if necessary. However, if you are having a hard time removing the dirt, you may use chlorine for a more effective dirt remover.

Upon cleaning the wedding dress, fill the bathtub with warm water and put the whole dress in the tub. Rinse out all the remaining dirt until the gown has become perfectly clean and free from dirt. Let the water drain, and repeat the process. Most bridal gown cleaners would advice to at least rinse the dress three times until there is no any soap bubble. Keep in mind that wedding dress made from silk fabrics should be dry cleaned by some professional dry cleaning personnel because silk can be torn easily.

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No matter how wealthy or how poor one is, keeping a track of your expense always a good habit. And for the same reason anyone who has an upcoming wedding should have a wedding budget list.

Wedding budget list - how it is made?

Before you get to a final figure, start off by making a complete list of requirements for your wedding. One by one just recollect the requirements and write it on paper along with approx cost. Things that you should try and count cost for are the church / house of prayer, reception hall, decorations, dress, groom formal attire & brides evening gown or dress, flowers, menu, photography and music and many other. Once the list is prepared you can put a tentative price against each one and total up to know where you are headed.

The budget for a wedding ranges from anywhere between $15,000 to $30,000. You're your budget in a way that you could ending up paying more than you initially set our to. By dong this you are not splurging merely making room for any unforeseen expenses. So if you want that you would like to spend $15,000 on your wedding then have in place at least $16500.

Supposing you would like to meet your wedding expenses within $10,000 then create a budget which spends only $9000 or even less. An early decision on who will be paying for the wedding is necessary. If you both as a couple would meet out the entire expenditure or is they're going to be some family contribution or something else.

All this will just make you know that from where the finances are going to pour in. And at the end of the end you will not have to run from pillar to post to acquire the sum. So whichever way to look at the wedding budget it is of great importance the you plan out the wedding budget.

Have a small budget in which to carry out your wedding!

Never mind if you have a small budget in place to finance your wedding, many other people to have similar budget constraints. At this point wedding budget planning comes in handy and actually proves crucial to existence itself. You must have prepared the list of requirements for the wedding along with cash in hand status. Pick a pen and tick those things that cannot be separated from the list for instance your dress or cake and cross those that could be done away with.

Then put each of those items on a fresh page, when that is done put some alternatives to that item that will pinch your pocket less. For instance, your liking is designer/expensive watch, or some costumed stitched dress well it is highly unlikely that all these could fit into your small budget.

So find the alternatives to your requirements on the Internet where exquisite watches and handsomely crafted dresses can be found at much more better prices than you were willing to buy at. Surely it might consume some of your time but eventually it will be a fraction of what you set out to pay. Plan ahead of time so that nothing is left for the 11th hour.

Budgeting: A Complete Guide to Idiot Proof Your Wedding

KIS or keep it simple is something we all have heard. This goes unsaid for your budget as well. Though this is once in a life time day for you but it doesn't mean splurging on all your savings. Create a expenses dairy where in you can note your requirements as well expenses day to day. Various online sites offer information as well help to plan and execute your wedding planning. Theknot.com is one that comes instantly to mind.

There are tips that shall help you a great deal. Once you have given a particular heading to the expenses, you can assign the priority to each one and then spend money wisely. This will allow you to enjoy you wedding peacefully without having any regrets later on with regards to excessive expenditure

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Did you know that you can get wedding Insurance? There are companies that will cover your losses, if a major catastrophe should occur. A wedding can cost more than a new car. You insure your car, why not your wedding? If a hurricane prevents your groom from flying in for the wedding, or the caterer goes out of business, and any number of other nightmarish events occur, you can recover the money you have paid out.

What is Wedding Insurance? Insuring your wedding is just like insuring your car, home or business. If the Reception hall burns to the ground the night before the wedding, insurance may help you to recover all of the money you have spent.

What is Covered? Insurance covers a number of things important to having the wedding of your dreams, such as weather, the key people, gowns, rings, gifts and any number of other items. Here are some things and situations that may be covered.

Cancellation costs - Any unforeseen event that forces you to cancel the wedding. A tornado destroys the church, or the photographer doesn't show the bridal salon closes down before your dress is finished, all are situations, which can be covered by wedding insurance for having the wedding on another day, and for such expenses as flowers, the cake and invitations.

Vendors If vendors like the caterer don't show up on the big day, insurance will cover the cost of changing the wedding date.

Illness or Injury You may be covered if the bride, groom, or anyone essential to the wedding is ill or injured and can not attend.

Wedding pictures and videos may be covered if your film is ruined or the photographer never arrives you may be reimbursed if you find another photographer or reschedule the wedding.
Clothes If the Tuxedo or wedding gown are inadvertently damaged beyond repair before the wedding, you can get replacements and your insurance will pay.

Gifts If any of your gifts are damaged or stolen you maybe covered,. Check your policy carefully. There may be a limit for making a claim, such as 7 days after the wedding.
Special Jewelry If your wedding rings are lost, damaged or stolen most companies will cover the insured values of the rings

Military Deployment if either the bride or groom are in the military and are on leave for the wedding and have their leave revoked, insurance may cover the the cost of postponing the wedding. However, if either of them are in the military and not on leave, and are deployed that is not covered.

The average cost of a wedding insurance policy is between $200.00 and $300.00. A real bargain when you consider that most weddings today cost upwards of $12,000. Before you buy insurance, gather all of your receipts, make copies, one for the insurance company so they have figures to work with. Give a copy to your parents to hold and if you have a safe deposit box, store the originals there, in case you need to file a claim. Read the policy, and make sure you fully understand everything before you sign anything.

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Packing Tips

1. Climate

When planning to take a trip, particularly abroad, it's important to know the climate of the area you plan to visit. You may think you already know that summer in America is winter 'Down Under' or that it will probably be hot in Jamaica, but that's not enough. Knowing what climate you will be spending your holiday in can make or break the holiday. To get details on the climate and average weather conditions in any particular area, call a travel agent, consult a guidebook or search the Internet for websites that can give you accurate information relating to the specific area and season. Be sure that the information you receive is up to date, as weather conditions may change from year to year. It may be more difficult to get information on more rural areas but it's worth the effort. You may be able to get a good idea from a neighboring city, but if the area is located in a mountainous region, it may pay to call the local tourism bureau.

Why is it so important to know the climate of your destination? There are several reasons. First of all, you may choose to change your plans and pick another site if the climate is different to what you expected. Obviously, the climate affects the items of clothing and accessories you will want to pack for the trip. There may also be medical issues to consider, such as prolonged sun exposure and environmental allergies.

2. Clothes

Packing for a trip can be a tedious and confusing process. This is especially true if you are unfamiliar with the final destination. The process can be even more confusing if you are going to be getting married and attending other events that require a specific type of dress.

Firstly, start off by getting information on the climate of the place to which you plan to travel. This will help to give you an idea of the type of clothing to pack, i.e., summer wear, winter gear, beach clothes, shoes, and so forth. Next, get a sense of the type of clothing you will need. Will the trip be wholly casual? If so, they you'll be fine taking a collection of shorts and t-shirts with a couple of nicer outfits for dinners out or the unexpected invitation. If your trip will contain some formal aspects, be prepared to take several appropriate outfits for the occasion plus one or two extras for the unexpected brunch or cocktail party.

After you have an idea of the type of clothing you will need to decide which pieces to pack. A good rule of thumb is to make a list of everything you think you will need and then lay it out on your bed. Now put half of it back. People always over pack and it is often true that less is more.

When packing, a lack of space is almost always an issue. Here are two tips to reduce the bulk of your clothes and help prevent at least some of the wrinkling that occurs in a suitcase. The first is to use a vacuum-packed plastic storage pack, the second is to roll your clothes rather than fold them. Both methods will save space and prevent you from having to take a larger bag.

3. Activities

When thinking about a holiday away the chances are that you will have planned some activities, from spending the day at the beach to hiking or biking. If you are an adventure junkie, you may want to participate in bungee jumping, rock climbing, skiing or scuba diving. When planning these activities you want to make sure that you will have the time to do the things you want without pressuring yourself to keep to a schedule. It's also important to check that the weather will be conducive to your plans.

If you are planning to participate in any activities that are specific enough to require your own equipment, it is a necessary consideration as to whether or not you will be supplying your own needs or hiring. In some cases, renting equipment may be much easier; providing that it will be readily available and affordable. There will be instances when it would be preferable or even necessary to take your own equipment with you. It's a good idea to check airline and other transportation services for specific regulations and packing tips, as well as additional expenses. You may find that it will save money to use a shipping service such as FedEx or UPS to avoid airport hassles and to save money and transportation issues.

Regardless of the activity, dressing appropriately is very important. Even if the activity is simply strolling on the sand or spending a day beside the hotel pool, taking the right attire can be a crucial factor in enjoying the activity. One of the most important will be comfortable shoes and other appropriate footwear that will make your trip enjoyable.

4. Jewelry and Accessories

If you are planning to get married abroad, then there will be a number of accessories that you'll want to take with you, including some jewelry. Depending on the value of the items, there are precautions you should take to ensure that they arrive at your final destination safely and in one piece.

First of all, you should pack each item in a protective case, preferably one that came as part of the original package. This could be anything from a velvet lined ring box to a hatbox. If the item does not have its own container, it is important that you obtain or make one to transport the item. One wedding accessory that requires special care is the headpiece that will accompany the wedding gown. This can be a veil, tiara, or crown of flowers. The manufacturer or sales person should be able to give suggestions on the best way to transport the item to prevent damage.

Transporting jewelry may be a simple affair if its worth is purely sentimental. Even if the monetary value is low, jewelry deserves to be protected. Be sure to pack it in a carry on or handbag that will be in your sight during your trip. If the jewelry is valuable the same rules apply, however, you should consider taking out additional insurance against damage or loss. This can be obtained through travel insurance or existing insurance on your home or the jewelry itself. Once you arrive at your destination, make use of the hotel safe to protect your precious items.

5. Carry on Luggage

Carry on Luggage is extremely important on any trip but even more so when traveling abroad and especially for the bride and groom to be. As a standard rule, it is a good idea to take a carry on bag onto a plane, even if the rest of your luggage has been checked and stowed away in the airplane's cargo area. The purpose of the carry on is to keep valuables nearby, to store fragile items, and toiletries. It's also a wise idea to pack an extra set of clothes just in case the luggage you've checked is lost in transit. While no one wishes to have to deal with this mishap, it does happen.

In addition to a small bag that can be carried aboard a plane and stowed in an overhead compartment or even under the airplane seat, you may choose to carry on other items, such as a garment bag, sports equipment, or other items that you feel the need to have nearby. In smaller planes, there are often separate compartments that resemble closets to hold passengers' belongings.

There are strict rules about carry on items on airplanes and they are required to meet a specific size requirement. Many airports have measuring systems in place that will determine whether or not the item meets these specifications. If the item is too large, airline policy dictates that it must be checked in with other luggage. There are also restrictions on the number of carry on items each passenger may have. To be safe, check with your airline or other transportation services, such as trains or buses, to learn more about policies and procedures regarding luggage.

6. Visa/Passport

In today's world it is imperative to have a current passport in order to travel between most countries. Passports are relatively easy to obtain, although they do take time to arrive and should be applied for several months in advance. Information on passports and visas can be obtained through the appropriate government office. Be aware that there are certain documents you will need to obtain a passport, so you should check the requirements before going to the courthouse or government office to apply.

Visas may also be required to enter a particular country or to stay for an extended period of time. Applying for a visa may not be a concern for you but it's best to check into it before you find yourself in a sticky situation that could ruin all of your plans.

Before leaving on a trip, you should photocopy your passport and visa. Carry one copy with you and leave one at home or with a trusted friend or family member. Although many agencies say that you should not copy this legal document, travel consultants often recommend it in case the passport or visa is lost during your trip. Having a photocopy may make it easier to obtain a replacement and will most likely expedite the process if there is a record of an existing document.

Finally, you should always carry your passport and visa with you no matter where you go. If it is inconvenient to keep it on your person during certain activities, such as swimming or at your wedding, give it to a trusted friend or family member to hold for you or lock it in an available safe.

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Outdoor movie events on inflatable movie screens re-create the experience of the old drive-in movie. With today's new technology of inflatable movie screens and portable high-powered projectors, an open air cinema event can be hosted at any outdoor venue. Movie night events are becoming popular for organizations such as schools, churches, businesses and cities. Finding the right equipment provider to produce your movie night event is essential so that your organization produces an event that it is well received by your audience and is stress free to organize.

Before you hire an audio/visual company for your movie night event, you need to know that there are two kinds of companies that produce outdoor movie events:

1.) The first kind of company that produces events are: DJ, Bounce House rental companies, and people who think it showing flicks outdoors is fun as a side businesses to their actual full-time employment.

  • Typically these kind of outdoor movie providers carry no insurance, or say they have insurance, but it does not cover outdoor movie event productions.

  • These kind of companies typically hire people with NO particular skill set to work their outdoor movie events.

  • Equipment from these kind of providers are inexpensive, usually is not commercial grade (but rather equipment meant for personal use) or that is under-powered for an outdoor movie setting. Their equipment is really ment for indoor movie events.

2.) The second type of company that produces outdoor movie events are full-time businesses that specialize only in outdoor cinema productions.

  • Professional companies that produce movie events outdoors will use theatrical grade screen surfaces, professional grade video and audio sound systems. Cinema production companies equipment include HD digital projectors and high-definition sound systems.

  • Employees of professional cinema companies typically have background in working with stage and audio-visual equipment and often work in the film industry.

  • Full time outdoor cinema productions companies will carry General Liability Insurance for exactly what they do which is outdoor movie events.


Ask the following questions to the company you are looking to hire:

- Do you carry insurance and how much insurance do you carry?

Request a copy of the provider's insurance and call the insurance agency listed on the paper. Find out if the business is covered for outdoor movie events or is the provider list as something else.

- How do I obtain a movie license?

Beware of a companies that tell you do NOT need a movie license for outdoor movie events in public. These providers are asking you to break copyright laws. Via copyright laws all outdoor movie showings require a public performance license to be purchased, except for events shown in your backyard for personal use.

- What brand of screen do you use?

Currently there are only three professional manufacturers of inflatable movie screens: AIRSCREEN, Open Air Cinema and EPIC. If a provider can not name their equipment then they do not know a lot about what they are doing. The brand of screen that is being used will both effect the presentation of your movie and safety of your event.

- What type of screen surface are you using?

Professional grade screen surfaces will use theatrical grade surfaces, just like in the movie theater. Quality of the screen is measured in gain. Screen surfaces should be highly reflective so to produce a bright and colorful picture image. Big-box store and inexpensive screens will have a cloth or plastic surface that is see-through and not very reflective which will produce a dull or poor image quality.

- What type of sound and projection are you using?

Most companies will claim they are using state-of-the-art audio or video, but when was it state-of-the-art? Equipment that was top quality 5 years ago, is not top quality today.

- Do you maintaining your projectors? Are you changing the projector bulbs regularly?

Bulbs that are not changed in projectors will get dull over time and effect the image quality at your show.

- How do you measure your screen size?

Is one companies 50' inflatable screen the same as another companies 35' inflatable screen? Do they measure the screen surface or frame? Are they measuring their inflatable movie screen on the diagonal, width or height? These are important questions to ask when comparing screen systems.

- Can you provide references for the last 3 events you produced?

Professional outdoor movie providers should be able to provide references of the last three shows that they produce, not just a select list of references that may be old. Also ask to see pictures of actual events that company has produced.

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