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Let's get real, but not to real-vealing!

Your wedding website should give your family and friends exciting information on your wedding celebration itself, NOT, what argument you had with your bridesmaid's sister or how unreasonable your mother is. It is not a blog, and even if it were, it is not appropriate to discuss this out there in cyber space.

This is a place to include stories, but stories of how you first met, your engagement, travel info, local hotels & activities, maps & directions, registry links and an RSVP link.

An ideal way to get the word out is to send a link to your website through your email. Another way is to put your website in an insert in your invitation (like a response card) but NOT on the invite itself. Remember the invitation is only an invitation to your wedding and reception. It is not an invitation to view your website, buy you gifts, etc.

The wedding website is an invaluable tool to communicate to your guests where you're registered without breaking those pesky, but oh so valuable etiquette rules.

If you are using just emails to communicate to all of your guests, the appropriate way to use it includes, Save The Date, Wedding RSVP's, miscellaneous updates, and informal pre-wedding parties. Also use email freely if there are any major changes to your wedding day - new indoor ballroom location due to inclement weather or renovation for example.

Remember, you do not want to create a flurry of gossip, rather you want to create excitement and anticipation leading up to your very special wedding day.

Wedding 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The Congressional and Senatorial office holders have put themselves above the people of this country whose problems they are there to find solutions for instead of providing privileges for themselves and their families far above those they set up for the people. This year they have really gone too far trying to push us into a health care mess the people do not want. They hide behind closed doors and generate plans that we are not permitted to see. This must be stopped.

They have also become a very exclusive club for family advancement for relatives and children to gain office. They seem to have only one aim and that is to gain power for themselves and their party. They try and do gain only favorable coverage from the press who they treat as their own private advertising agency. Even a party, many years ago that resulted in a young ladies death was reported in a very biased way.. Unless they are really caught doing something that cannot be glossed over they have no one to worry about. The ethics committee that is supposed to give oversight to members and hold them accountable is out to lunch. After all, it really only depends on what the meaning of is,is doesn't it?. Where have we heard that before?

If anyone had tried to get schoolchildren to sing a song about George Bush their would have been raised such a hue and cry from the left that would still be ringing through the halls of the capital. The teacher would have been hounded from the school and the papers would have crucified her. The people we want to be our representatives and want to run for office cannot even get a foothold in the two party system. The money interests that stroll through the halls of our capitol and the party hacks that seem to have been born in office and will not back anyone who will not bow to them and the special interests that finance the elections.

I believe it to be about time we cleaned house and got rid of all the old timers that look upon their offices as theirs and will do whatever it takes to keep it. What are we teaching our children about duty, honor, country and sacrifice if we allow this system to go on. They look at us and say "well if they can do it why can't we"? No one is held accountable and made to answer for their deeds. What can we say to them.? Their is example after example of congresspeople and senators that have been in office for 20 or 30 years and more. They are so entrenched in the political system that elections are just formalities.

They have made more money while in office than seems possible and then they have pensions worth a lot. All the while never contributing one dime towards any of it. They grant themselves liberal pay raises and medical coverage for themselves and family that is the envy of the world. My position is that they should have the same medical coverage they give to us under medicare and medicaid. After all , they seem to make enough to pay for their own like they expect us to do.

The whole school system has been turned on its head by special interests for every imaginable group, cause and far left nut cause. We cannot go on like this. Somebody has to say enough. The politicians seems to have let every special interest and lobbyist on the hill dictate what and how bills are developed and who writes them and why nobody knows what is in them. How can this go on any longer. Why don't they post the bills on the web for all to see. I will tell you why! They do not want the American people to see all the pork barrel projects inserted into every bill that comes before them.

Unless people band together with the tea parties and local groups in town hall meetings to take back our local school boards and kick out the national teachers union that has become a sprawling monster that has practically no oversight, then this country will decay from within. It is all up to us as individuals. We must stand together or fall apart. This is the only choice we have left.

Thus far we have seen what Acorn has done with voting fraud cases being brought forth in almost every state against them. People registered many times over, dead people voting, prison populations voting, and other illegal acts being charged against the organization. Video tapes taken by courageous people who knew they would be attacked and ridiculed in the mainstream press as they were when the story broke.Why have the regular news programs like CNN ans CBS and NBC and ABC not taken up and pushed for investigations into Acorn. Only after being goaded into it by Fox news who publicized the affair, did they shame faced and resisting, go into coverage of what happened. And even then they they went after the people that exposed the scandal and tried to make them the villainous party.

What is the Tides foundation story? It claims to be the brainchild of Wayne Rathke who it is alleged to have covered up the theft of millions of dollars by his brother Dale Rathke in 2000 from the Acorn foundation. The people involved in these two groups are now under investigation. We can only surmise what the results will be from the congress, controlled by democrats and most of whom have supposedly received money from Acorns political donations. It will remain to be seen how congress will investigate the organization when they have many members who staunchly defend Acorn and these are the same people who defended the Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae debacle that is still so fresh in our minds.

All the while the congress and senate go their merry way sticking it to us and buttering up their own plates. It seems to be that they can do whatever suits them and no one can stop them or say no to them. They have the ability to make their own laws and give themselves any perks they wish like expense accounts. I do not know where it will end or be curtailed by the people rising up and demanding real change.

Wedding 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Using free wedding invitation templates is the perfect way to create inexpensive wedding invitations. But, you may think that free equals cheap, that is not the case if you consider the following points.

1. Give Yourself Plenty Time

Give yourself plenty of time to get it right. You don't want to rush and make your invitations - it will show in the end product. And the more that you experiment with different layouts, text and colors the more ideas you will get which will only improve the look of the finished invitation.

2. Use Good Quality Printer Supplies

For the best results when using your printer use quality inks or toner for your invitations and set the printer to the highest print quality before printing, you will use a little more ink/toner but the results will be worth it.

3. Experiment with Different Paper Types

Purchase a small quantity of different paper types and experiment by printing out sample invitations to see which papers gives the best results. Once you are happy with a particular paper type then purchase enough to complete your wedding invitations.

4. Select a Template Style That Matches Your Wedding Theme

To give your guests a glimpse of your wedding style, select an invitation that matches your wedding theme. For example a black and white invitation with a simple clean uncluttered look would be ideal for a formal wedding style.

5. Proof Read Invitation Wording

You must proof read your invitations several times and to be doubly sure have someone else proof read too, then make the necessary corrections before printing. What I would suggest is that you not print out your invitations for a few days after proof reading. When you are ready to print proof read again, you may be surprised at what you have missed the first time around.

Well after all the time and effort that you have put into creating your invitations you don't want to have to throw away a hundred invitations (it will only cost you money) because of an error that you missed.

Wedding 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Have you always dreamed of incorporating your hobby with the most important day of your life? Well just do it. There are a number of motorcycle picture wedding invitations and other themed material that can make your day great. The themes range from the hardcore biker to the soft novice, there is something for everyone. The motorcycle picture wedding invitations are absolutely adorable. This is a great way to incorporate the two themes together.

Formal Motorcycle Picture Wedding Invitations:

Formal wedding invitations are based on the type of paper that they are printed on. Also the typeset and material used for the borders make a large difference in the formalness of the invitation. Many of the motorcycle picture wedding invitations are formal with pearl or golden border outlining the card. The card stock can be heavy and a high grade of paper that accentuates the invitation. Vellum overlays are always a part of the formal wedding invitation. Other enhancements such as ribbons, lace, silk or pearls are up to the couple.

Informal Motorcycle Picture Wedding Invitations:

The more informal wedding can benefit from the motorcycle picture wedding invitation theme as well. Some of the invitations use clip art or art work that sets them apart from the rest. The pictures can include personalized photos of the couple, motorcycle or some other significant meaning to the couple. This is a great way to add some personalization and style to any wedding invitation.

Pre-Printed Motorcycle Picture Wedding Invitations:

In years past it was more difficult to find motorcycle picture wedding invitations, but that is no longer the case. Today almost every dealer has the wedding invitations with the motorcycle theme. The clipart and photos can range from a motorcycle wedding to the motorcycle alone. Many of the motorcycle picture wedding invitations have an antique look with children surrounding the motorcycle. This brings another love for everyone, children! There are other themes such as motorcycles by the beach and up in the mountains. What ever the style of your wedding, you can match it with a motorcycle picture wedding invitation.

Motorcycle picture wedding invitations are very popular. Manufacturers have realized that with so many having a love for motorcycles there was a tremendous need for this theme. Some couples have a complete motorcycle theme wedding, which is very unique. So if you are looking for a way to set your wedding apart from all the rest the motorcycle picture wedding invitation and theme is certainly the way to go.

With motorcycle picture wedding invitations you can decide the style, color and types of typeset that will match with your wedding. These invitations generally carry the same choices as other wedding invitations. The biggest difference is the photo or theme on the front. Some manufacturers will custom make your motorcycle picture wedding invitation so you can have exactly what you are looking for. So if you are a motorcycle enthusiast then consider sending the motorcycle picture wedding invitation to family and friends!

Wedding 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

At last, your fianc矇 said 'Yes!' to your proposal. You are now engaged to one another. Several months from now, you will be officially married to one another. The wedding is near and the two of you know that. You are excited and the first thing that you would like to do is to make wedding invitations. Yes, wedding invitations are always the priority when it comes to wedding. You have to make invitations so that you can inform other people of your upcoming event. What type of invitation are you planning to make? Care to give some thought to nature wedding invitations?

Nature wedding invitations would be a great choice most especially if you like to save some money. Take note, you will be spending a huge amount of money in the wedding ceremony - the foods, the venue, the accessories and many more - so you might want to cut your expenses when it comes to the invitations. Well, if you have lots of money, then you might not want to consider such invitations, however, why don't you save that money for your honeymoon or for the future? Who knows, you might have money today, but in the future, you might experience some financial problems. So as early as now, you have to figure out how to cut your expenses.

Okay, so here are 3 ways on how you can make nature wedding invitations:

Use leaves. Leaves are everywhere, thus you will not have any problems with this. Go to your backyard and then pick stunning leaves. For best result, pick dried ones. The reason behind this is that if you will pick the fresh ones, they will dry up easily and you might not like the effect later on.

To make invitations out of leaves, you just need glue, colors and some decorations. You can directly paste the leaf on the invitation, while at the same time, creating an image so as to make it beautiful. Or, you can also color the leaf and then press it on the paper. It will leave a mark on the paper which is pretty amazing.

Use flowers. Instead of drawing flowers in your wedding invitations, why don't you just include real flowers? This will be cheaper and more exciting to make. However, before including any flowers in your invitation make sure to preserve them first. Why? Just like fresh leaves, flowers will fade and the result would be not good, but, if you will preserve them, they will not lose their beauty.

Use pine cone. If you have lots of pine trees in your area, you might want to consider using pine cones. Pine cones retain the same color; however, since they are thick, you have to make use of thick papers. You can create an image using these cones or you can simply make them as decorations.

So as you can see, it is very easy to make nature wedding invitations. These won't require much money from you; they just need some of your time, energy and creativity. Consider them and surely, your guests will be amazed by your creativity.

Wedding 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Saving money on your wedding is extremely important but you don't want your wedding to appear cheap. There are so many ways you can save money and still make this the most memorable event of your life. Your money is worth spending on more important aspects rather then expensive invitations. If you are able to save money on your wedding invitation without looking as if you did, then why not.

I understand that your wedding invitations are the first thing your guests are going to see, so it's really important not to start off with a bad impression of how your wedding is going to play out. And you don't have to worry about this. You don't have to spend a lot of money on your wedding invitations to look like you did.

There are many ways that you can get cheap wedding invitations that will not look cheap. You can even create your own professional looking wedding invitations. It's actually easier then you think. There are many how to websites that will show you step by step how to create your own professional looking invitations. You can purchase the wedding invitation paper from just about any office supply store. Purchase stock paper and tracing paper to make your invitations look just like a professional prepared them.

You can personalize the wedding invitations yourself with a picture of you and your soon to be spouse. Printers today are all pretty much picture printers, so there should not be a problem printing them from your home computer.

Also, finding cheap wedding invitations on the internet is very easy because there are so many good quality websites offering huge discounts on wedding invitations. In fact, you can easily find invitations for under two hundred dollars.

If you decide against doing the wedding invitations yourself, make sure you purchase free samples of the wedding invitations. There are many companies that will offer this. You don't want to pay for the invitations only to find out that they are made of cheap material. Obtaining samples is a way to save you from a wedding invitation disaster.

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You've planned your wedding down to the very last detail. Any and every slight minutia has been taken care of. The last thing you want is unexpected guests ruining your perfect ceremony seating, your beautiful pre-planned seating chart, or throwing off the number of beef and chicken entrees. For that reason, most brides now choose to include RSVP cards or response cards along with their wedding invitations when they are sent out. Sounds easy enough, right? But what are the dos and don'ts of response cards?

DO Keep Track of Wedding Invitations Responses

Miss Manners may look down on including RSVP cards in your wedding invitations, but then again, Miss Manners isn't paying for your wedding. (And if we all listened to Miss Manners, your guests would all be sending RSVPs on their own personal stationary anyway.) Response card wording etiquette isn't as strict as with wedding invitations. Simply leave a space for the names of the guests and include check boxes for whether they will or will not attend. After that, the sky's the limit as to how you word it.

DON'T Assume Everyone has Perfect Handwriting

While you may have painstakingly written out all of your wedding invitations in perfect calligraphy, not everyone has the greatest handwriting. You may not be able to read some of your guests' "fancy" responses, so cover your bases. Number each name on your guest list and lightly place that number on the back or corner of the response card. This way, if you can't figure out the guests' handwriting, you can simply check the number on the back of the card and match it to the corresponding guest on your list.

DO Make it Easy to Send Back Response Cards

You don't want to leave anything to chance, so make it easy for guests to respond by pre-printing your name and address and putting a stamp on the RSVP card envelope. Traditionally, the RSVP card should be addressed to the host of the wedding (i.e. your parents), but if you are hosting the wedding yourself, or you live a long way away from the host, you will need to come up with an appropriate response label. Traditionally speaking, the names of the bride and groom should not appear together in print until after the wedding; if the couple is living together before the wedding, the RSVP cards should be addressed to the bride only.

DO Limit Your Number of Guests

If you have a strict budget that you are sticking to, or want to subtly let guests know that you don't want kids or their random dates at your wedding, there are a few ways you can do this on your wedding invitations' response cards. Include a line on the response card that says __ of __ guests will attend. You can then fill in the second blank with how many guests are invited. If this seems too tacky for you, include check boxes for 1 or 2 guests to limit the number of uninvited tag-alongs. This makes it seem like everybody is only allowed 1 guest, and you can always print separate response cards for large families in which you just leave a blank for the number of guests they will be bringing.

DO Include an RSVP Deadline for Response Cards

Most venues or caterers require a definite headcount of how many guests will be attending your ceremony/reception, and if you are making wedding favors, seating charts, programs or menus, you may need to know too. Find out when you or others need to know your final headcount by (usually it's about two weeks before the wedding), and then set your RSVP deadline at least two weeks before that. You will always have procrastinators on your guest list that will put off sending their RSVP to the very last day (maybe they're still looking for a date?), so you will be relieved to have a buffer between the RSVP deadline on your wedding invitation response cards and the deadline when you actually need to know.

DON'T Wait for Late RSVP Cards to Come to You

With the amount of time and money that you are putting into your wedding, you shouldn't have to guess when it comes to the final headcount. Most guests will understand that, and will send back their response card in a reasonable time span. However, RSVP cards could get lost, or maybe your forgetful Aunt Sally simply didn't remember to send it in. Don't wait for these guests' response cards to come to you! If you haven't received an RSVP by your deadline, go ahead and give them a call. There's no need to be rude about it, just make sure they have received the invitation, and then confirm that they are coming. If you can't reach a guest, go ahead and assume that they will come. After all, it's better to have an empty seat than have a guest with nowhere to sit.

Wedding 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This area of wedding invitations is very popular. You will find a quality and variation of styles far beyond that of most large department stores. Simply because not every one has access or the knowledge at their fingertips of this niche area. Of who can do what and where. In the large department stores the bridal couple is caught up in the occasion of buying her dress and other bits and it is convenient to purchase stationery there and then. With out any knowledge or understanding of what else is on offer elsewhere. Especially any alternative Handmade and Custom Wedding Invitations.

Many of these niche companies are small cottage businesses, providing a service second to none. They may range from adding and gluing bits onto a card covers and adding glitter glue. Or lace threaded across the card cover mimicking the bridal bodice of old. Hand labor that a larger store could not provide but a smaller business is only to willing to do for the love and success of their designs. Then there are the companies that feel that there is to much formality in the wedding and that a more light hearted approach need apply. This could be in the form of a caricature of the couple in any pose or situation printed onto their card. How individual is that? With all the guests receiving a card it surely provides a great talking point before, during and after the wedding. Not to mention that because it is so unique many guests will keep these as a keepsake. I can't think of to many stores that would happen with.

The point I am making is that look beyond the obvious, the big stores and stationery providers and you will find a abundance of alternative and equally as good wedding invitations that will compete with the large firms on price, quality and give service second to none.

If you have the time to plan ahead for your wedding it is worth seeing exactly what is best suited for you, your budget and the memory of your day. Think about what else is out there for you like Handmade and Custom Wedding Invitations.

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The first GTs were Shelby modified K-Code 289 cubic [4.7 liter] V8 Fastbacks that had their power increased from 271 HP up to 306 HP. Shelby ordered 252 units of 1965 Fastbacks for his conversion into 1966 Shelby GT350. The project itself began in August of 1964 and in September the first Shelby GT350s were born. The public unveil was done on January 27 of 1965. Shelby GT350 also featured Hooly carburetor, Cobra valve covers, special Cobra hi-rise intake manifold, 4-speed manual transmission, side exhaust pipes, Wimbledon white body color with 2 stripes and no back seats, because of SCCA's requirements [2-door coupes only]. All in all, there were 562 Shelby GT350 street legal and 37 GT360R units built in 1965. The Shelby GT350R were built for races only.

The 1966 production had 2378 GT250s built where 4 of them were special order convertibles for Shelby himself. Some say, there were 6 of these convertibles, but on 4 correct VINs are discovered.

Shelby struck a deal with the Hertz Corporation in 1965 in order to build a special line of 1001 GT350H V8s for "rent a racer" program, which helped Shelby to expose Shelby Mustangs across the country.

In 1967 Mustang Gt350 carried over with 289 cubic aluminum Cobra V8. Regular Mustangs could get 320 HP power by installing 4-barrel carburetor. Of course, Shelby went further and the new Shelby GT500 model was built in 1967 too. It was equipped with reworked 428 cubic [7 liter] Police Interceptor engine with cast-aluminum intake manifold [from Ford's 427] and twin Hooley 4-barrel carburetors to get 355 HP. GT500 had a 4-speed manual or 3-speed automatic transmission, power steering and air conditioning. The body had new nose, functional hood scoop, side body air intakes.
The 1968 Shelby GT500KR [King of the Road] had 428 cubic Cobra Jet V8 engine and developed suspiciously low 335 HP.

Shelby terminated the agreement with Ford in 1969, but he still had a little bit of his impact in 69-70 GT model range. Actually, the 1970 GTs were 1969 Shelby leftovers and that is why 1970 GTs were still Shelbys. The GT350 and GT 500 got quite a big facelift change. 1969-1970 Shelby GT350 got a 351 cubic [5. liter] V8 engine, while the GT500 got its 428 cubic [7 liter] V8 muscle. Transmission choice was the same: 3-speed automatic or 4-speed manual.

2006-Ford-Mustang-Shelby-GT - After Ford revived the 5th generation Mustang, Shelby created a special edition 2006 Shelby GT-H which was the offspring of the original 1966 Shelby GT350H "rent and race" muscle car. Only about 500 units were built. Those were equipped with 320 HP 4.6 liter GT V8 engine, 90 mm cold air intake kit, X-pipe, performance suspension, 5-speed automatic transmission, etc. The convertible Shelby GT-H was offered to rent in 2007.

2008-barrett-jackson-shelby-gt - There was one more special edition of 100 units unveiled in 2008 - the Barrett-Jackson Shelby GT. The Shelby pony delivers 319 HP from a Ford Racing V8 and is equipped with 5-speed manual gearbox that has Hurst short-throw shifter or a 5-speed automatic. The cars have special tuned dampers, unique sway bars inside and 18 inch alloys, Shelby Cobra hood scoop, Lemans stripes and fully black interior.

The 2006 Shelby GT500 uses 5.4 liter supercharged V8 and develops 500 HP. It also features 6-speed Tremec manual transmission, has some suspension tuning done and rides on 18-inch wheels. These cars were build in collaboration of SVT and Carroll Shelby for 3 years only, but there were about 30.000 units built.

The King of the Road model was unveiled back in 2007, in NY auto show. The Anniversary 2008 Shelby GT500KR has the same engine as GT500, but due to functional cold air intake and unique calibration this 32 valve 5.4 liter supercharged V8 engine develops as much as 540 HP [40 HP more than GT500]. The KR Mustang features carbon fiber hood with functional scoops and vents, unique carbon fiber splitter, functional brake cooling ducts, SVT-tuned suspension, some more parts from Ford Racing.

Since 2007, the Terlingua Team offers a special package for the V6 Mustangs, that includes "serious performance enhancements and striking visual cues". The package will, of course, include the Shelby serial number...2007 Ford Shelby GT500 Red Stripe Appearance Package

If You already have GT500 and still feel unsatisfied, You may sent it to Shelby's Special Performance Plant in Las Vegas and have it rebuilt into Super Snake. This rebuilt SS features some special badging, new Alcoa wheels, ram-air SS hood, stripes, splitters, 6-piston Bear brakes and many other performance features including the 5.4 Liter Kenne Bell twin-screw supercharged engine that develops 605 or 725 HP [no warranty for this one].

Along with the 2010 Mustang facelift came the new GT500. It had the same 5.4 liter engine but the power was increased up to 540 HP by adding cold air intake [similar to KR's]. SVT retuned the suspension a bit by adding 19 inch wheels.

The 2011 Shelby GT500 will get an engine update - it'll be the new 5.4 aluminum V8 that is 102 pounds lighter, and more powerful - 550 HP. The car stance is lowered by 11/8 millimeters in front/rear. The steering is assisted by new electric system, external design includes SVT performance package, 19/20 inch front/rear wheels, optional glass roof, etc.

Due to 45th Anniversary in 2011 the legendary 1965 Shelby GT350 special Mustang edition was unveiled by Shelby. 5.0 liter small block V8 will be fitted with Ford's Racing [FR] supercharger to gain 500 HP, FR suspension, 6-speed manual transmission, Borla exhaust, 6 piston Baer brakes, 19 inch Cragar wheels, front splitter, functional hood scoop, redesigned tail lights, new dashboard for interior, etc.

Frankly, it looks like Shelby started to loose its "sought after" feature by modifying "simple" Mustangs into Shelby ones in their Shelby Mod Shops and listing them in Shelby registry as pure-blooded. We do expect that only the real production Shelbys will maintain and even increase their historical and financial value in the future.

Wedding 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

So you're getting married? Congratulations. You've got plenty of wedding planning in front of you, and decisions to make. And one of those decisions is about your wedding invitations.

Remember that the first impression that your guests get about your planned wedding is the moment they open your wedding invitations. And for some it may even be the first time they know you're getting married if you've kept it a little quiet.

So your wedding card has quite a role to play in your wedding. And some people, when they open up the letter and take out the invitation, will make up their mind about coming right there. So you want a marriage invitation that makes a good first impression.

The best piece of advice I can give you about buying your wedding invitations is to do so after you've got some basic wedding planning in place. It's important, for example, to have your wedding theme in mind when choosing your invitations.

It's important that your wedding theme be reflected in your invitation. For example if the bride and groom are gardening enthusiasts and want to have a wedding with a garden theme then wedding invitations with images of flowers or gardens would make a fine first impression about your wedding theme, but invitations with boats, or example, wouldn't.

So do some simple wedding planning first, and once you know more about your basic wedding theme, then choose your invitations.

And think about your working too. You want the wording of your invitation to reflect your wedding theme and your own hopes for how the day will be.

And there's some other things to think about too. Should you use electronic marriage cards? There are some people now happy to use electronic wedding cards, particularly those amongst us a little younger.

However I'd advise against using electronic wedding cards. Although they have one major advantage, being cheap, they also have disadvantages. There will always be some people who will find an electronic wedding invitation a little tacky. Or a lot tacky. Even some of the younger members of the community have a strong sense of the traditions of weddings, and may well find receiving an electronic wedding invitation to be a little disappointing.

If you're on a budget and considering electronic marriage invitations because they are cheap there are always ways to find great looking cheap wedding invitations way cheaper than at the prices you'll find for invitations from wedding stores.

Online marriage cards are very cheap, if you buy in the right place, and they aren't cheap looking tacky invitations either. There are some very good marriage invitations available online way cheaper than you'd expect.

So when it comes to wedding invitations remember. Do some planning before you choose your invitations, including what wording you want. Think of your theme, and how you would like your proposed wedding guests to feel the moment they see your invitation. Avoid electronic wedding invitations, despite the fact that they are cheap.

And if you're on a budget, and who isn't these days, buy your shaadi cards online. You'll be surprised at the cheap wedding invitations you can find online.

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California Marriage Records show marriage license applications and marriages by county, name and date. Public marriage records in California are maintained by the California Department of Public Health Office of Vital Records. Confidential marriage records are only available through the particular county office which issued the marriage license while divorce records can only be retrieved through the Superior Court of the county where the divorce decree was passed. Because of the California Public Records Act, all public records in the state are accessible by any member of the public for view and copy.

Free California marriage records can be viewed at county offices across the state and online at various responsible government websites. This information can be very useful for general research purposes. Sometimes, however, a more official or formal set of marriage records is necessary. In California, the Office of Vital Records can release public marriage records and Certificates of Record for divorces. Certified copies can be ordered only from the county and that would require a fee.

Not unlike all other states, California marriage records can be retrieved directly by DIY (do-it-yourself) or through third-party companies. Each serves its purpose and the choice is a matter of individual preference and fit. By and large, the former method saves on financial cost and may even be free-of-charge whereas the latter is employed when it is for a relatively more serious or legal purpose.

In California, all public records can be viewed at Public Health county offices. They can also be requested via email. The California Department of Public Health Office of Vital Records lists all of the pamphlets, forms and fees necessary to obtain official copies of marriage and divorce records. Unfortunately, obtaining marriage records on your own can sometimes be a lengthy and onerous process. The California Office of Vital Statistics estimates a backlog of six months when processing requests for public marriage records of California and recommends that people go directly to county offices to view records and request copies of them. Respective counties have different forms, fees and processes to retrieve this information.

Several companies can help you expedite the process of accessing and viewing state public records. They can surely help you order and receive certified copies of marriage records in a much more expeditious manner than people generally can on their own. With information that you supply, these companies can directly fill out forms and make requests for you straight from different counties as their network and infrastructure are in place for it.

Commercial public record brokers are presumptively experienced and professional when it comes to public records. They are well-versed in forms, fees and state laws and generally charge reasonable rates to help you get your desired information smoothly and quickly. They also develop and maintain live databases so people can view instant marriage records for free, in some cases.

There are now an estimated 36 million people in California and records have been kept since 1850. As a result, there are quite a few million California marriage records in existence. Locating the one that you seek precisely can therefore be quite a challenge. It's probably best to engage professional service if time and integrity of information is of the essence.

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Whether economic times are good or not-so-good, many brides want to plan their own wedding day. No wedding planner knows better than the bride herself what her hopes and dreams are for her special once-in-a-lifetime day. For many, a wedding would not be a wedding without as many family members and friends as can possibly attend. The wedding invitation, therefore, is one of the more important elements among the many details that are involved in planning your wedding.

As the bride-to-be, you may be wondering exactly what wording you should use on the invitations. You can use a formal or traditional format for your wedding reception invitation wording. Your invitations should match your wedding style. If you are having an outdoor wedding, for instance, and you plan to eat outdoors picnic style, perhaps under a tent, then you will want your invitations to be more casual. If, however, you will have a formal wedding in church with ten bridesmaids, you will use more formal wording on your invitations.

Decide first if you are inviting everyone to the wedding itself, or just to the reception. The first lines on the invitation should state clearly who is being invited and to what event. Some brides would rather not have children attend the wedding, for instance. If you want couples with children to attend, perhaps you could make arrangement for babysitters to keep the children in a separate area during the actual wedding, and join you for the reception. If this is the case, include it in your wedding reception invitation wording.

Decide who is announcing the event. In the past, the parents formally invited guests to attend the wedding of their children. Today, many couples host the wedding and reception themselves, in which case you can just state "John Doe and Mary Smith request your presence"...etc., then giving the date and time. Include driving instructions on a separate paper for out of town guests who may not be familiar with the area.

Many free online sites are available to download and customize wedding and reception invitations, for printing out and mailing or emailing to your guest list. You can find styles that reflect your personality and wedding theme. With a little research, you will find examples of wedding reception invitation wording for inspiration and you can use your creativity to give it your own personal touch, whether you want it to be formal, or you just write what is in your heart. Above all, avoid stressing over this delightful task and have fun making a wonderful memory.

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As a significant symbolization of engaged couples' entering upon a new phase during whole life and loyalty oath for love, wedding commonly acts as a vital ceremony for both the newlywed and all the relatives. Generally speaking, marriage ceremony invitations which can not only transfer all the valid information to the recipients but also set off the distinctive personalities of brides and grooms perfectly are utterly the first view your guests will have for your nuptial ceremony. Thus wedding is not just a simple moment of bring two souls together, but a memorable time for expressing distinctive hobby. All the brides and grooms always do their utmost to building tangible and sweet memories for such special day. Stunning wedding dresses, irredeemably wrinkled skin, fancy wedding cakes and unique marriage invitations should be seriously taken into consideration when thinking up inimitable plans for wedding. A creative nuptial idea is to a perfect marriage ceremony what ingenious wedding invitation to distinctive nuptial themes. Variety is commonly the very spice of life. Every refined thing throughout the world comes with the adoption of original approach. Since bridal invitations ordinarily set the main tone for your wedding, you should put insight on innovate design.

First impression is utterly of vital importance. Once throwing a quick glimpse of your invitations cards, recipients can not only grasp valid information as much as possible but also have access to realizing your ceremony theme and sharing your felicity at the time. As an extremely fantastic reflection of your special characteristics, a great variety of unique invitation cards can derive from your inspiration.

If you are fascinated by retro-inspired styles, vintage wedding invitations filled with satisfied retro elements, such as charming rose, exquisite white stone and glory peacock should be your wisest choice. Love is loyal and noble. Such type turns out to be highly graceful and refined. Rose is universally known as a favorable symbolization of love, luxury and elegance. You can choose black which not only shine with dignity but also serve as a foil to the crucial information as the grounding color and adopt exquisite rose as the main pattern. Moreover, a love poem may add much interest to cards to a great extent.

People always feel regret that it is hardly for you to freeze any memorable and joyful moment. Photos do great favor to freeze each memorable and wonderful moment or treasure the vital memories. Just stick the distinctive photo of brides and grooms on your cards will certain impress recipients profoundly. On account of customize service; you can achieve various visual effects.

Start your impressive marriage ceremony with unique wedding invitations. Provided that brides and grooms have great skill in handwork, you can make them buy yourselves through selecting the most desirable paper pattern and the most creative theme. Nevertheless, in view of the limited time and the substantial quantity, you can work with a reliable supplier which is specialized in providing diversified custom wedding invitations to meet your distinctive demands. Thus you can have access to various cheap wedding invitations, such as simple invitations, photo wedding invitations and vintage wedding invitations. All you need to do is to elaborate your design idea and your expected impression explicitly.


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Glass salad bowl sets offer the opportunity to give some really creative gifts. While the recipient may appreciate a nice salad bowl set, it will mean even more if you add a personal touch to the gift with a really creative craft project. Plus, you can personalize the gift even more by having it engraved. A personal gift is so much more meaningful and can add value to your gift. If you are looking to give a more creative, personal gift, here are a few ideas to get you started.

Linen Holder

You can use glass salad bowl sets for a number of gift occasions. For a housewarming or a wedding, you can give a glass bowl set with a little extra something inside. Linens such as napkins and hand towels are always in high demand in any home. You can use the salad bowls as mini gift baskets to roll up a variety of kitchen and dining linens to make a beautiful gift with a thoughtful personal touch. If you want, you can even have the initials of the couple engraved on the bowls. The arrangement will be so beautiful that the recipients won't want to take the gift apart to use the linens and bowls.

Herb Garden

Glass salad bowl sets aren't just for serving salads. You can make a beautiful indoor herb garden using glass salad bowls if you use a bit of creativity. Growing herbs indoors is fun and easy. Get the bowls engraved for each type of herb you plan to grow and you'll have a unique and classy herb garden; that will be a conversation starter in your home. Place them in the center of your table for a living centerpiece.

Salad Dressing Mixes

Being creative when giving gifts can be tricky. Maybe you have a gift registry for a couple that you're buying a wedding present for and don't want to give just the glass salad bowl sets that they have listed. Instead, you can get one of the sets they listed and fill it with packets of different salad dressing mixes. Everyone can use salad dressing mixes and it will add a special extra bit of thought into the gift that the couple will surely appreciate. To make the bowls extra special have them engraved with something special to the couple.

Versatile Decorations

If you're into entertaining, decorating your home can become a bit repetitive sometimes. Instead of changing out your decorations all the time, why not try something versatile such as glass salad bowl sets that you can use over and over, but put a new twist on each time you have a party or invite guests over. For example, you can fill the bowls with colorful candy, fresh fruits, balls of yarn or string, flower petals or evergreen needles, pine cones, acorns, colorful fall leaves - you get the idea. The beauty of the glass bowls will accent any kind of decor you can think of and change with the occasion or seasons.

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There are so many generic baby shower ideas out there, especially if you are throwing a shower for a baby boy. Most boy-themed baby shower ideas are over-used and worn out, so you may be wondering how you can throw a baby shower that is not only unique, but also creative. So, here are some ideas to help you get the ball rolling on your one-of-a-kind boy-themed baby shower.

1.) Rock n' Rolla Baby. This is a great theme, especially if you incorporate older rock n' roll tunes that everyone will know! Decorate the shower in black, silver, with a splash of red. You can go to a thrift store and purchase old records and hang them from the ceiling using fishing line. You can make your invitations resemble concert tickets, and have your guest wear "backstage passes" that display their names for name tags. You can also make a mix CD of older rock n' roll songs that have the word "Baby" in the title like "Ice, Ice, Baby", "Born To Be My Baby", "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight", and "Don't Worry Baby". You can also give the CD's out as party favors.

2.) Ships Ahoy! Baby Shower. A nautical themed baby shower is also a great boy theme. If you have the ability to, you should consider hosting the shower aboard a day cruise. Most day cruise ships may also include lunch in the per person cost. So, if you can, this is something you should definitely look into, if not, and you're destined to have your shower at shore, you can still pull in off. You should decorate in navy blue, gold, and white. Your invitations can be shaped like an anchor or a boat, and you can serve finger-sized tuna sandwiches, crab dip, and shrimp cocktail as appetizers. A sea captain's hat would be a nice touch, especially for the mother to wear.

3.) Baby Construction Zone. This is a great theme that screams, "IT'S A BOY!" You could make stop signs, hazard signs, and yield signs to use as decoration, and incorporate lots of red and yellow. You could also purchase some Tonka trucks to display for decoration, and then give them to the mommy-to-be as a baby gift. Your invitations could be shaped like dump trucks and concrete trucks, and you could even purchase some orange vests or hard hats for your guests to wear.

4.) Trendy Colors. This is a great shower idea for one classy momma. You can have your baby shower center around trendy boy nursery colors: blue and brown or green and brown. There is so much you can do with these colors from beautiful flower arrangements to the place settings. Just get creative, and be sure to use the color scheme in everything from the invitations, to even purchasing matching thank-you cards for the mommy-to-be. With a color themed baby shower, the possibilities are endless.

5.) Daddy's Future Hunting Buddy. This is a great theme, especially if the daddy-to-be is an avid hunter. You can decorate the baby shower using dark browns, dark greens, and camouflage. Your invites could resemble a deer tag, and you can have everyone sit around a "campfire", complete with a deer blind or tent set up in the background. Cute stuffed animals like a deer, moose, raccoon, and bobcat would make adorable decoration, and be a great baby shower gift for the soon-to-be little hunter.

These are all great boy themed baby shower ideas that are unique and fun. But, don't limit yourself to these ideas only; don't be afraid to use any ideas you or the mommy-to-be may have for making her shower truly memorable. Even if you choose to go with the theme for the baby's nursery, there are still ways to make it unique and fun, so put your creative hat on and get to work. The new parents will thank-you and your guests will leave knowing you put a lot of thought and effort into throwing a truly great shower.

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Nothing says "sophistication" more than a Black and White wedding, it is the essence of formal and elegant celebrations. In this kind of wedding, all the decorations are black and white from white ribbons to black runners. To set the tone for this affair, you need to begin with a black and white invitation. Here are three styles to spark your imagination and creativity.

1. The Single Panel Card: The tradition of simplicity is represented by the "single panel card". Here your invitation is printed on 80 lb. white stock card. The invitation card can be found in a variety of styles: you can have bordered cards so there would be a black border around the white center; you can have a black designed border around a white card; you can have an embossed black line on your white invitation card or you can simply have a white card with black ink.

2. The Layered Look: Fora touch of whimsy, use a layered look. This is an invite that has different cards "layered" on top of one another. For example, a black backer card, that has a smaller, white invitation card on top of it and either a black or white ribbon or fastener of some sort to hold it together. You can fasten the ribbon around the middle for an invite that is an upright rectangular shape; around the side if the invite is a side rectangular size, or at the top if you want to add holes for a ribbon to be threaded through. For a formal touch, you can add a vellum layer that is printed with your initials or names in black ink.

3. The Pocket Folder: This is the most modern style and adds a polished touch to your wedding. A pocket folder is a tri-fold that has the invite attached to the middle and a pocket on the side, or bottom that holds the RSVP card and other necessary information. A black pocket folder with white innards and a white ribbon makes a beautiful statement to your quests on what kind of celebration to expect. To add a unique touch, use a shimmer paper for the pocket folder. Shimmer paper catches the light and "shimmers" for a stunning effect.

So for a formal, black and white wedding, begin with an invitation that sets the stage. Whether you go for the traditional, single panel; the whimsical layered look; or the sophisticated pocket folder, all will reflect the elegance you are creating.

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Die and laser-cutting creates "cut-out" patterns, shapes or letters on wedding invitations. Die-cutting has been used for many years to cut-out simple shapes. More intricate designs are created by using laser-cutting.


Many designs are available from simple heart patterns and swirls to delicate lace effect patterns. Some wedding invitations are complimented with hot foiling and embossing to create a sophisticated feel. Some wedding stationery printers may even create a bespoke design for you. For bespoke designs a new die will need to be created. You will need to include the cost of the die in your overall wedding stationery budget.

How it Works

Because die-cutting uses pressure to cut the shape only bolder designs can be cut. Fines lines will not come out cleanly. Lasers provide a more accurate tool and they do not use pressure, this means very intricate designs can be created such as "Lace" effect patterns.


Laser-cut wedding invitations are generally more expensive than die cut designs. Extra embellishments such as foil or embossing will also raise the cost. However, cost should be weighed against the overall effect of the design. To truly see the elegant effect created by these decorative methods I recommend ordering a sample.


Many wedding stationers will supply free samples. Visit the stationers individual website for more information.


Many wedding stationery printers such as CCA Occasions, BelArto and Collisons supply die-cut wedding invitations and matching stationery. These suppliers all supply free samples and use a range of agents to sell their stationery.

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With many couples living together before getting married, weddings are changing. The tradition of the bride's family paying for the wedding are no longer a standard. Many times couples will pay for their own weddings. So what are some of the wedding invitation wording from bride and groom hosted weddings?

Many times a verse will open up to the event. The couple may go to a vary informal announcement of the wedding date. With that being said here are some samples of wedding invitation wording from bride and groom hosted weddings:

  • Happily we two: Bride: and: Groom: have chosen the first day: of our new life together: as (Date): (Year):Please share in our joy as we exchange vows: at (Time): (Place): (Address):City, State

  • God as led two lives: to take one path: Bride: and: Groom: invite you to witness their vows: as they begin their new journey: on (Date): (Year): at (Time): (Place):(Address): City, State

  • How beautiful the day: that is touched by love: (Bride): and: (Groom): will exchange vows of marriage:(Date): (Year): at (Time): (Place):(Address): City, State

  • We will walk arm-in-arm: into every day of our lives, we: (Bride) and: (Groom): invite you to share: a day of happiness: as we begin our new life of love together:on (Date): (Year) at (Time): (Place): (Address): City, State

  • Bride: and: Groom: invite you to share in the joy: when they exchange marriage vows: and begin their new life together: on (Date): (Year): at (Time): (Place): (Address): City, State

  • Bride: and: Groom: would be honoured: to have your join them: as their new family is created: in a marriage and joining ceremony: on (Date): (Year): at (Time): (Place): (Address): City, State. Note this is for couples with children

Wedding invitation wording from bride and groom hosted weddings can be much more informal than standard father of the bride invites.

With these announcements you would spell out the day of the week and the date.The year would also be spelled out just as other invites are done.

In mailing our your invitations the regular envelope addressing etiquette would be used. Depending on if you choose to go formal or informal will determine some of your wording also.

You would use the RSVP cards with wording to match the event. The RSVP is normally addressed to just the bride's name and address.

With so many weddings being given by the couple, Wedding invitation wording from bride and groom hosted weddings can vary. You can even word them to include two families becoming one.

So enjoy your special day and relax. There are words to use for the occasion.

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Wedding invitation is still one of the most time consuming and expensive element in planning a wedding. However, with the lightning speed of advances in web development, we now have many online options and resources when it comes to creating or buying wedding invites.

With a bit of time and effort you can save thousands of dollars on wedding invitations and still impress your guests with elegant but cheap wedding invites that you can proudly said you created yourself. You don't have to be a designer to use the wedding design software available online. There are thousands of design and color themes to give you a starting idea. You can then personalize the template to your own colors, wording, and even photos.

When designing your own invitation, remember to keep the design clean and simple. Elegant invitation usually have plenty of empty space, after all less is more. Avoid having too many photos or text on the invitation. Make it easy on the eye and easy to read for your guests. Choose colors that complement with your wedding decoration themes.

The next important step in creating classy wedding invites is to find a nice stock paper to print on. You can easily find these cardstock at any local office supplies store. Select a stock that is thick, smooth, and complement with the color on the text and design on the card. You should also be able to find matching envelopes in the same store.

You should have to spend more than $50 to have a nice set of unique and elegant wedding invitations if creating your own design online, buying your own card stock, and printing your own invitations.

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Cheap weddings are not necessarily drab events. If you take some ideas that you pick up from other weddings you can make this the wedding to be at.

If you want a cheap wedding you will probably have to do most of the work for it yourself. Not necessarily you but your family and friends. A do it yourself wedding can be as much fun to put together as it is to attend.

Start with your invitations. Make your own fun, easy seal and send wedding invitations. Just print out on regular card stock. You can add an RSVP post card if you like. Make it a detachable section with a pelf. Then just fold them and mail. You may opt to put the address on in a matching font using your printer.

Next think about the wedding dress. If your mom or grandma has one they want you to wear, maybe you can have it altered to be more up to date. Perhaps you can take one from a thrift store and up date it to your taste. Get it cleaned good and it will be just like a new dress for you. You may even decide to rent a dress. You may even opt to go to something totally different. Adding a veil to an elegant dress might suit your needs.

You may choose silk flowers. These can be made ahead and stored so that you know you have them. Perhaps you know someone who makes ribbon flowers. Keep an open mind because you may get ideas that you wouldn't have thought of. Cheap wedding bring ideas to save money and add character.

Decorating can be inexpensive too. Balloons are not that expensive and can add a lot. You may use bows, balloons, ribbons, and ornaments to add some style. I print out banners from my computer for almost every party we have. I use the colors that are in the theme. These are good for pictures too.

A pot luck meal may be a fun idea. We did a pot luck dinner for my aunt and uncles 50th anniversary. We provided the meat and drinks and everyone brought a favorite dish. It worked well as everyone asked for recipes. No one complained about having to bring a dish.

You might decide to do a buffet yourself. With all the bulk food stores and a roaster you will have a dish ready in no time. The cost to cater a dinner is usually a big expense so cutting this will mean a big savings. You don't have to just give cake and punch. You can come up with some good ideas. Grandma may make her famous meatballs the day before and they can be warmed for the wedding reception.

You can see cheap weddings don't have to be boring. They can be fun and even bring people closer together. You may get volunteers from places you never thought would come to your rescue!

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