When hosting a baby shower, consider what is really important to the new mom. Choose a theme based on her personality. Make the theme apparent in the shower invitations, decorations, games, food and gifts. To prepare, ask the mom-to-be for a guest list about four to six weeks in advance of the baby shower. Following are five fantastic baby shower ideas:
Play games. Consider holding a raffle at the baby shower. Organize a nice basket of wine and cheese, coffees, or spa items. Let guests know that the price of a raffle ticket is a small package of diapers or wipes. Encourage guests to enter as often as they would like. By the end of the shower, once lucky guest will win the raffle and will take home the basket and the new mom will be well stocked with diapers and wipes.
Make food. Consider hosting a baby shower at a local meal preparation place. Shower Guests can help the new mom stock her freezer with nutritious homemade meals and even put together a few meals for their own families.
Host a couple's shower. If shower themes and games aren't important to the new mom, consider hosting a couple's party for the mom- and dad-to be. Otherwise known as a Jack and Jill party, a couple's shower can be as casual as a barbecue or a pool party where friends and family spend time together while they celebrate the impending arrival of the baby. Including the new dad in the festivities, along with some seasoned dads to offer humorous advice, will make it a fun night for all. Fun gifts for new dads include a supply of new batteries for the baby monitor, swing and new baby toys.
Host a shower for the mom. This works particularly well for mothers expecting their second or third child and already has most of the baby items she needs. This type of shower focuses on the mom instead of the baby. Serve a nice lunch and shower the mom-to-be with fancy lotions, a manicure set, gift certificates to restaurants, a new bathrobe, slippers, etc.
Build a library. Create a library for the baby by hosting a book shower. Ask guests to bring their favorite children's book along with a stuffed animal. The new mom will leave with an assortment of classic books, board books and bedtime stories to share with their child.