You are having a wedding and you want it to be great, ensure it has some wedding tulle. The tulle will help create an ambiance atmosphere which you need in your wedding. Just try it and your wedding will be like the great movie scene weddings. It is made of some synthetic material that is soft, easy to cut and it doesn't need to be sewn afterwards. It is normally used to decorate wedding venue especially the tables, flower pots, and even rope of the walking ways. If you are having a wedding, you could result to buying your own tulle or go for the rental one. In some instances, the tulle could be used to make the veil as it is a net like material; or make trims of the wedding dress.

Wedding tulle come in three different types. The first type is the stiff tulle which is used in making some squared shaped dancing skirts. If you want a good one for your wedding uses, settle for the medium tulle. However, for hanging purposes the soft tulle will be the best. The type you should buy depends on the function you intend to use it for. The tulle fabric, just like any other fabric, comes in bolts which are around 60 to 80 inches. You could buy any size you need as it is sold per yard.

If you are looking for wedding tulle, you could go to the local vendors and check out various qualities and prices. The prices greatly vary and you will certainly get the one that will please you. If you want to make a saving on the tulle you are buying, it is advisable to buy a huge roll and you will get some discounts. Alternatively, check on the online store for the prices and compare them with the local ones. You could then settle on the one which fits your budget. Tulle comes in different colors and if you want to get one at the very reasonable prices, you should settle for the white one. They are always available in reasonable prices.

If your intention was decoration, the cheap wedding tulle will work magic making your ceremony colorful. You can use the tulle to make bow decorations from one end of the church to another or as it pleases you. You could them add a few flowers on the bows you have made. In addition to that, you could also use your tulle to decorate the tables especially the ones which will be holding your gifts and wedding cakes and it add some charm on the table. However, you should be keen to ensure that wherever you have used the tulle, there will be no flames as they will greatly affect them. Chairs will also look great with tulle decorations.

Finally, in your invitation cards, you could add some small pieces of the wedding tulle. It will give them an alluring look. Using hot melted glue, you can put them on the ages of the cards. For this purpose, you could go for the glittery tulle as it won't be needed in large quantities. Wedding tulle is very important for your wedding but there are far more tips you have to know for planning your big day. I have married two years ago and searched a long time for the best ideas that saved tons of money.

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"Why do most of us get lost somewhere between 'once upon a time' and 'happily ever after'?"
~John Eldredge, Wild at Heart (2001)

God told me once, near on ten years now:

Fight for this marriage OF YOURS. Whatever occurs, there is no room for regret. There is room only for a fight. If you love her, you will fight passionately for her, for your relationship with her, for your mutual destiny together.

I believe that with all my heart, having believed, because I had to, that this book - Wild at Heart - had been written for me, and for my marriage, in the hope of saving it.

Alas, I fought hard for nine months; gestation enough for a new marital identity. And although I did everything in my power, and those efforts proved ultimately forlorn, I still now believe that fighting for a marriage that appears over is the only thing a man can do in not only attempting to save the marriage, and save her, but to save himself - all savings by the power of God.

The purpose of all the 'saving' is to fulfil the destiny of God. Those God put together should never be separated, but should grow in love together, more and more.

I still believe, that, where wives have finally given up, as mine had, that there is a tiny window of opportunity, no matter how desperate the case may be, where, for all our lives as husbands, we must turn our lives upside down and stop at nothing properly loving to rescue our beautiful wives by reinventing our love for them.


The first powerful reason we ought to fight by the power of love for our marriages - whether they are failing or not - and all marriages go through that tremulous, hopeless time of significant mutual doubting - is to convince our wives we love them so much they are the only important thing when all else is stripped away. (We fight only in ways that will be of obvious benefit to them - as our wives would define benefit.)

We are all wounded, but by our wives wounds we, as husbands, offer our strength.

This strength is borne of love. Again, she, like she was originally, is the only important thing.

A second reason we ought to fight by the power of love for our marriages is for ourselves. We are not only fighting for our wives, who may feel convinced we don't love them, we are also fighting for ourselves - for our own male identity. If we don't fight well enough (with not enough passion, courage, and sacrifice) we will feel we have failed, yet again. This is a fight of, and for, our manhood.

The third reason is simple. It's all about the future, gathering within us a powerful picture - a vision - for how life might look like when we have either vision of stinging regret or vision of thankfulness that we followed a path by courage and by the wisdom of God.

As far as marriages are concerned, life is not of the past. Life is of the future. All that matters is the future.


We have no room for regret. We have no time for second chances at getting our marriages right. The time comes for all men to fight by the power of sacrificial love for their marriages.

It is incumbent on us men to show our chivalry; to show our wives that they are the most important thing on the face of this earth; that we believe, by the power and wisdom of God, that we are anointed to be their lovers in every good and imaginable way. This is the very fight of our lives - a fight where our wives come first, this time and every time.

Whenever a husband fights like this for his marriage, in spite of the final result, he walks away with no regret having been blessed by God to be his wife's warrior.


Marriages have been under attack since time immemorial. The husband must fight, with every sinew of love within him, to convince her of his love, and of his vision for their marriage. The devil cannot win the battle without a fight, as we husbands fight by the power of sacrificial love, sacrificing ourselves for our wives in service to them.

穢 2013 S. J. Wickham.

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Public Liability Insurance

Is this necessary? Yes

A brief explanation: Public Liability Insurance or PLI for short is a type of insurance. This protects the entertainer in the event of unexpected injury or damage arising from his performance. Although it is uncommon for a venue to ask for PLI, it does happen from time to time and you should be wary of an entertainer who isn't prepared to protect himself in this way. In addition, companies who offer PLI often offer equipment cover too, so a lack of PLI could mean that the entertainer doesn't have insurance for their own equipment either. If their equipment isn't insured then this should ring alarm bells; if they're not prepared to look after their own equipment properly, will they take appropriate care with your little ones?

CRB check

Is this necessary? It is desirable but not technically necessary.

Brief explanation: CRB check stands for Criminal Records Bureau check, and many adults who frequently work with children are required to have had one. There are two levels of CRB check; "Standard" or "Enhanced".

Although some venues ask to see a CRB certificate, it is generally advised that only the person responsible for hiring the entertainer should see the CRB certificate.

Entertainers aren't strictly required to have a CRB check in the same way as the cast of a theatre show, for example, because they are only responsible for entertaining the children, not actually looking after or supervising them.

However, a lot of entertainers have taken it upon themselves to obtain one simply to add credibility to their show and to give parents the peace of mind that comes with it.

Portable Appliance Testing

Is this necessary? Yes

Brief Explanation: The entertainer should have his equipment Portable Appliance Tested, or PAT for short, every year. This test checks that his or her equipment is electrically safe to use. As church halls, school halls and other party venues can vary in terms of their own electrical safety features, it is important that the entertainer's equipment is safe to use in all venues, thus eliminating any electrical risk from potentially faulty equipment.


In the case of a PAT, CRB check or PLI, the entertainer will be able to provide you with a certificate of proof. Some venues require some or all of this information, so you should be wary of any entertainer who is unable to provide these if given a reasonable timescale to do so.

Thanks for reading!

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You need to fill the room because perception is everything. If you begin your Safe Money Seminar with empty tables and chairs in the room, those people who do show up will question whether they should have. The trick is to gauge attendance based on RSVPs. If you have 40 RSVPs for the event, figure 30 will show up. Then set the room up for 20 to 25. It sends a more prosperous message when you have to break out additional tables and chairs to accommodate the overflow. "Standing room only" is your perceived image. On the other hand, having empty seats at your meeting is just lame.

Holding your retirement planning seminar at the right restaurant will help fill the room. A safe bet is an Olive Garden style restaurant. Avoid Mexican food, Chinese food and pizza joints. Limit dinner choices to one: a salad with a single entrée of general appeal. You can't go wrong with a chicken and pasta plate. Include a glass of ice water at each place setting. That's it; no iced tea or Coca Cola. Never pass out menus, and limit waitress involvement to serving the food then disappearing.

In choosing a restaurant, stop by several possibilities around 4:30 on any given afternoon. If you see a lot of Seniors there, it means they like that restaurant and are familiar with it. Just make sure your entree is a notch above the typical early bird special.

Always remember that a Safe Money Seminar is not a teaching event and not a sales event. It's a social event! Now that you've managed to fill the room, don't set it up like a classroom or like a horseshoe. Set the room up just like people sit in a restaurant - 2 per table or 4 per table at most. And don't think it's you they're coming to see. It's your food they're coming to eat. You are just the dinner show. Remember, you must get people to (a) like you and (b) respect you, if they are to give you that all-important appointment. Now that you've gone to so much trouble setting the stage, go out there and show them your star power!

The most effective form of advertising to fill the room is direct mail invitations. Direct mail allows you to target your demographic. You can sort your mailing list by several parameters, but age (60 plus) and address (within 5 miles of the restaurant and your office) are all that really matter. Wedding style invitations look nice and cost around 75¢ each. Simple post card invitations cost around 30¢ each and often wind up under a refrigerator magnet for future reference. Surprisingly, both wedding style and post card invitations pull about the same. But with post cards you can mail approximately 2 ½ times the quantity for the same money.

Expect between a.75% and a 1% response on your mailings. By mailing 10,000 pieces, you'll get 75 to 100 RSVPs, of which around 50 to 70 will come out to your two seminars. This will fill the room with 25 to 35 attendees per night, which keeps it cozy and gets you up close and personal.

Another way to boost your response rate is to add emotional appeal to your invitation's headline. For example, which headline gets your attention better? (a) "You're Invited To Our Safe Money Seminar" or, (b) "Five Serious Mistakes That Wipe Out Retirement Savings, And Simple Ways To Avoid Them." The answer is B. Few people will show up to a Safe Money Seminar. We don't use our seminar's name in the invitation because it's not an emotional draw. But once the people are in their seats, stop teasing them and start rewarding them. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our Safe Money Seminar," is now music to their ears. Remember, people act on emotions then justify their actions with logic.

The seminar business is all about working the numbers and setting enough appointments so that if one or two should cancel (which they will) what you get is an unexpected but much needed break between eager, pre-sold prospects. As always, keep your eyes on the prize: This is a career objective leading to seven figures annually. Fill the room, set the stage, make a million.

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Breaking Up is Hard to Do:

Long after the wedding bells have faded, you may know someone who has come to a fork in the road and has decided to go in a different direction than his or her partner.

Building a life with someone involves many things. There are the memories, friendships, family relationships and possibly children and pets. Love plants a seed that eventually grows deep roots as a family is born and grows. And while love is not always about money, divorce certainly can be.

Whether there's just a house and a retirement account or something more complex like business ownership, other investments and stock options, unraveling a lifetime of work is tough and complicated by emotional issues.

Although escaping the emotional toll that a divorce can have is not possible, it is not in a person's best long-term interests to make or avoid decisions that will impact the future well-being because of emotion. To avoid being a financial victim and starting one's new life on the wrong path, there are steps that can be taken before divorce is made final. It's best to make these decisions as dispassionately as possible using professional resources whenever possible.

Individuals considering a divorce should assemble a team of qualified professionals who can advise on the legal, tax and financial impact of various proposed divorce settlements.

Here are some tips to consider:

1.) Don't become a financial victim. If you suspect a spouse is planning a divorce, make copies of important records and notify creditors, banks and investment companies in writing.

2.) Don't prepare an inaccurate budget. Individuals are usually required to produce a budget for temporary maintenance (aka Pendente Lite). But through oversight or inaccurate record-keeping, this invariably leads to problems when they find that they are having trouble making ends meet with the court-approved maintenance based on the budget provided. It makes more sense to bring in a qualified financial professional at this stage to help in preparing the budget.

3.) Don't try to use the courts to punish a spouse. In most states, equitable distribution is the basis of settlements. Hiring a combative attorney or ignoring other options like mediation or Collaborative Practice will be costly and toxic to post-divorce family relationships especially when children are involved. (For a better understanding of this option, search for Collaborative Divorce or International Academy of Collaborative Professionals).

4.) Don't forget the common enemy: the IRS. As the proverb says: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Both parties will be impacted by taxes. With careful planning ahead of time, this can be minimized. If assets need to be sold or qualified plans prematurely withdrawn, this may increase the tax bill while reducing assets to live on post-divorce.

A 50/50 split may sound fair. But the bottom line is the share of marital assets each gets net of the tax man.

5.) Don't use a divorce lawyer as a financial planner, accountant or therapist. At rates in excess of $300 per hour, it's easy to rack up big bills and not get the specialized advice that other professionals can offer.

6.) Don't forget to insure the settlement. The premature death or disability of a spouse means lost support, maintenance or help paying for college tuitions and health insurance.

Make sure that life insurance names the spouse receiving support as the owner of the policy. This way if the spouse who's paying for the policies stops paying the premium at least the beneficiary/owner will receive notice and can take legal steps to deal with the breach.

7.) Don't keep the marital home if it's not affordable. Too often couples will fight over who keeps the marital home. While there may be sentimental value or legitimate concerns about uprooting kids from schools, it may not make financial sense to keep the house. After all, real estate is a low return asset (and has in fact been negative in recent history) while the mortgage, taxes and maintenance expenses can be a drain on post-divorce budgets. It usually makes more sense to sell the property while still technically a couple to get the maximum exemption of capital gains ($500,000 above cost basis) and split the proceeds to buy or rent another place.

8.) Don't forget to change beneficiaries. Forgetting to delete and change one's spouse from qualified plans or insurance policies, unless required by the settlement agreement, could result in benefits or assets passing to someone the divorcing couple does not want to receive them.

9.) Don't forget to close or cancel joint credit cards. To avoid problems its best to close credit cards to any new charges pending the final divorce. This will avoid the temptation of one spouse running up charges.

10.) Don't agree to a settlement without having a QDRO in place. Whenever a spouse has a qualified plan (ex. 401k or pension) a Qualified Domestic Relations Order will inform the plan administrator who is entitled to the asset and when. (Note that a QDRO does not apply to IRAs which are governed by beneficiary designations). This is sometimes an afterthought but is critical. It's a good idea to watch the language in these orders. If not worded correctly, it could delay when a spouse will be eligible to start receiving benefits or it could lead to investment decisions that may be reckless or detrimental to the spouse's retirement interests.

There are several methods for valuing pension or retirement benefits. This is often overlooked by time-starved divorce attorneys or court personnel. Use a financial professional trained in these techniques to make sure the analysis of the settlement is done properly.

And make sure that attorney drafting the wording of the QDRO allows the beneficiary of the pension or retirement account to be eligible for beginning receipt of benefits at the earliest possible time under the qualified plan's rules. Otherwise, a beneficiary spouse may need to wait until the other account-holder spouse retires which he/she may choose to delay because of need or out of spite. Some administrators will segregate the portion for the beneficiary spouse so it is a good idea to make sure that funds are invested appropriate to the beneficiary's age and risk tolerance and not simply held in a low-interest money market account.

11.) Don't underestimate the impact of inflation. Without proper help in reviewing settlement options or preparing a post-divorce plan, it is easy to forget that the lump sum received today may look like a huge sum but may be inadequate for inflation. Whether for college tuition, medical care or housing, inflation can take a big bite out of one's budget and resources.

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Most girls watch or read fairytales and imagine that they too would one day meet and marry their prince charming. So it's only natural for girls to grow up and want to have a magical fairytale wedding. The most exciting part about planning such a wedding is looking for princess wedding dresses and hopefully find the perfect one to wear. In order to play the part of the princess, the wedding is expected to be somewhat fancy. Picture an extravagant church wedding followed by an equally extravagant reception in a grand ballroom. That's the type of wedding a princess deserves.

It's pretty easy to spot princess wedding gowns. There are basically two silhouettes that are most commonly used for a princess gown. They are either A-line which flows out towards the floor naturally or a ball gown which has a more voluminous full skirt. Our princess bride must wear either an A-line or ball gown dress that is floor length in order to look like a real princess. This look is great for most women, because it has the ability to hide most problem areas. All body types would benefit from wearing a princess wedding gown.

There are some other special features that can be found on most princess wedding gowns. Whether it's A-line or ball gown, the upper half of the dress usually comes with a fitted bodice. A sweetheart neckline which looks like the top of a heart covering the chest area makes any girl feel more like a princess. Let's not forget about embellishments, this look definitely is not meant to be simple. For a more glamorous princess look, try having a beaded bodice or one that is adorned with crystals.

Since princess wedding dresses are so popular, it's easy to find the right one at almost any price point. The ones with the more intricate designs, fancier embellishment and higher quality fabric will obviously cost a lot more. However there are great affordable alternatives that look just as nice. The key to buying the right dress is to know your budget before you even start looking. Once you know how much you are willing to spend, make an appointment for a fitting at some bridal boutiques. Tell the consultant not to pick out dresses over your budget so you won't be disappointed when you have found the perfect dress that you can't afford.

Every girl who grew up watching Disney cartoons has a favorite Disney princess. Believe it or not Disney now has its own line of wedding dresses that captures the essence of each of their princesses. Don't worry, the dresses do not look at all like a costume. No one will even be able to tell it's from Disney. They teamed up with a brilliant wedding dress designer to create a collection that is fit for a princess. If you want to feel like a real Disney princess, be sure to check out the collection.

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Your Hawaiian wedding invitations should reach on time to the addressee or relatives or friends so that they can prepare to come to the wedding. Many a times it happened that due to late dispatch of wedding invitations many relatives who live little far and distant corners could not get the invitation on time and could not attend the marriage ceremony. In few cases it also happened that they received the invitation after the date of marriage specially those who live abroad. Thus, if you plan to marry in the exotic locals of Hawaii, you must plan everything in order so that everyone can enjoy your wedding. Sending invitations on time should be taken care of.

How to play your dispatch of Hawaiian wedding invitations on time? What we see in many weddings, couples remain busy in shopping and arranging other things of the marriage but they forget the wedding invitation card. You should not do that mistake. In fact while you prepare for your wedding consider the wedding card as the first option of your wedding preparation. You have to get the card ready with ample time in hand and dispatch them to all relatives so that they get the invitation a little early. This makes thing pretty easier for them to prepare for the wedding too.

Before we discuss the plan of dispatching the Hawaiian wedding invitations let us discus a little on how to choose the best cards for your wedding. That is off course important. You have to send your relatives and friends the most exotic card to reflect the theme of your marriage and bring in energy on them to fly down that distance to attend your wedding.

The first thing that you should consider about the cards is the design of the card and theme. Because it is Hawaiian wedding, the cards should be able to impart the impression of your energetic wedding theme in the tropical island. Your wedding is going to be something extravagant in the area, the invitation cards ought to be gorgeous and luxurious in all way. While selecting the cards make sure that you choose the best quality paper and designs of the card. Choose cards that have printed themes on them like beautiful beach scenarios, blue water rippling, and such similar images that reflect the theme of your Hawaiian wedding.

After you have selected the cards and texts for the invitation, get them printed on time for dispatch. Once the cards reach your home, sit down that night to make a list of guests that live far and wide. First they are the ones whom you should send the Hawaiian wedding invitations. Because they live at distant places, the postal delivery may take little extra time. It is better to send them early so that the invitation cards reach them on time.

Then send the next farthest relatives and friends. And for local friends and relatives you can send the cards somewhat late but it should be sent at least 15 days before your marriage so that they get time to make their schedule for the wedding and reach on time. This is how you should plan sending invitation of your wedding to your friends and relatives.

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The decision whether or not you need to take out Wedding and Honeymoon Insurance should be a no-brainer! When budgeting for your wedding and honeymoon remember to add in the cost of insurance. Compared to the expense of the wedding and honeymoon, the potential loss if anything should go wrong makes Wedding and Honeymoon Insurance exceptional value for money!

Your wedding day is the most important day of your life - and your honeymoon should be blissful and carefree. Whether you plan to have your wedding close to home or overseas, why leave anything to chance after spending so much time and money on all the arrangements.

The chances are that you will have the luck of the Irish and everything will go smoothly, but why not have the peace of mind of knowing that you are covered if accidents or mishaps should occur.

Wedding plans vary from very basic to extremely lavish, but there will always be costs involved. The decision whether insurance is needed, and whether or not you can afford to swallow the costs of any uninsured losses, is a personal one. However, the wedding alone usually costs many thousands, and the arrangements normally depend on large numbers of people and services. The potential for human error to crop up somewhere is, unfortunately, always a possibility.

It is very popular these days for couples to decide to have their wedding and honeymoon overseas, which again can entail enormous expense and very detailed and complex arrangements.

Wedding Insurance includes many important and expensive elements of a wedding, such as:

  • Caterers

  • Cancellation

  • Accommodation

  • The booked venue

  • Wedding Gifts (loss, theft or damage)

  • Wedding Dress and Ceremonial Attire

  • Legal Expenses and Personal Liability

  • Marquee Cover (if needed)

  • Photos and Videos

  • Transportation

  • Wedding Rings

  • Flowers and Cakes

Honeymoon Insurance usually includes the following:

  • Luggage and personal effects

  • Cancellation or Curtailment (cutting short the honeymoon)

  • Holiday Abandonment or Holiday Delay

  • Personal Accident and Personal Liability

  • Missed departure

  • Medical expenses

When purchasing Wedding and Honeymoon Insurance, always read the policy thoroughly to understand exactly what is - and is not - included. If you are unsure about anything then call and ask - simple!

The day that you get hitched should be happy and carefree, so budget a little extra for insurance just in case of any unwanted hitches!

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Most little girls have a dream of what their wedding will be like when they grow up. They will wear a beautiful white gown and walk down the aisle while everyone watches and says how beautiful she looks and at the end is the man of her dreams. Some of these little girls grow up to have this fantasy become a reality. It is important for all of the guests to know in advance that the wedding is going to be elegant and formal. This is easily accomplished through the wedding invitation and the wedding invitation wording.

The bride and groom need to choose an elegant wedding invitation. These are usually simple invitations that are cream or white on a thick cardstock and have little ornamentation. These classic invitations convey an elegant event. In addition, the bride and groom may choose to include a tissue paper overlay with the invitation. This is an old and elegant tradition. The bride and groom should also include envelope since they enhance the elegance of the invitation. Once these invitations are chosen, the bride and groom need to choose their wedding invitation wording.

Just as the wedding invitations convey a formal wedding, so should the wedding invitation wording. Some brides and grooms choose to use Old English spelling and wording and choose an ornate script as well. This is all to express the formality of the wedding to the guests. This will ensure that the guests come to the wedding dressed appropriately.

Finding the perfect wedding invitation wording does not need to be a difficult process. Every retailer of wedding invitations will have many examples of the most popular wedding invitation wording. This will make it easier for the bride and groom to choose wedding invitation wording that expresses a formal event. The bride and groom may also combine different examples to fit their needs or may choose to write their own wedding invitation wording. As long as the invitation conveys all of the necessary information as well as expresses the atmosphere of the wedding, then the wedding invitation wording should not be difficult to choose.

Regardless of how formal and elegant the wedding is going to be, there is certain information that must be included on every wedding invitation. An elegant wedding invitation should include the names of the people who are hosting the wedding if it is different than the bride and groom. Elegant invitations also include the full names of the bride and groom. The wedding invitation wording should also include the day of the week, date, year, time, and location of the ceremony. All of this information should be spelled out fully and never abbreviated. If the reception is at a different location or at a later time, then this information should be included as well. The guests will need all of this information in order to attend the wedding.

The wedding invitation wording is extremely important when the wedding is going to be an elegant, formal affair. The guests will need all of this information in order to make plans and travel arrangements to attend the wedding. The wedding invitation wording should easily convey that the event will be formal so that all guests know what to expect at the wedding!

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You can insure your life, you can insure your car, you can insure your house, your pet or even a vacation abroad and guess what, you can even insure your wedding? If you're as surprised reading that as I was, when I first learnt about wedding insurance, then let me inform you my friend, that you can jolly well protect your wedding!

Different Features

The insurance policy you draw up will protect your weddings and cover the expenses incurred should you have to cancel the wedding suddenly, due to a health emergency to either you or your fiancée. This is the most common cause of insuring weddings.

Apart from this, your wedding insurance can also be stretched to cover a wide range of areas, such as loss or damage to your wedding attire, such as the wedding dress, wedding cake, wedding rings and a whole host of other things.

As you have probably already figured out, insurance for wedding helps to protect you and your pocket from a wide range of unpleasant situations. Thus, it is especially necessary, if you are planning to have a lavish affair. Of course, if you are having a small, intimate, private affair, marriage insurance policies for that are also available.

So how much does wedding insurance cost? Well, a basic wedding insurance policy costs anywhere between $155 to $550, depending on the type of policy and event it is required to cover. But before you do get your wedding insurance, find out if you really need it!

Your caterers or vendors may already have their own insurance, so there's no need for you to part with all that hard-earned money!

Wedding insurance covers all aspects of weddings and unpleasant situations leading to its cancellation, but what it doesn't cover is cancellation due to cold feet or last minute doubts. We should consider taking out an insurance policy on that one, shouldn't we?

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